The test

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Once outside, with Ashley following him, he couldn't help it, he had to show her a sign, if even a small one, that he truly longed for her. He knew his actions had hurt her, but he also knew that there was a security camera in his classroom. He walked about another hundred foot, before coming upon a small flower. He bent over and picked it up. The pink petals shown in the sun.

   "Isn't this pretty Ashley, I think anything that has pink in it is absolutely beautiful and unique, a special part of this world."

   Shawn spoke this, secretly referring to the girls hair.

      She couldn't help but to blush. All she did is nod. "Yes sensei, it is....a pretty flower....." Some part of her wondered if she might still had a chance with him since she had pink hair.

'Maybe he thinks my hair is pretty....' She shook the very thought out of her head.

       Shawn whispered, just low enough for only Ashley, close as she was, to hear him. "It may not have been an accident that your my partner." He spoke slowly, then composed himself.

     "Ok, let's get this project started, read me the first place on your list, where do we have to go Ashley?" During these words, he slipped the flower into his pocket, saving it for an idea he had that he would use later, after the girl had forgotten about it.

She could have sworn her teacher just said it he might have chose her on purpose. But boy, he wasn't acting like it. Was it in her head?

He mentioned the list and she froze. "O-oh um h-h-hang on" She got on her knees and dug threw her backpack, finding the envelope and handing it to him.

They visited the old museum first, and Shawn made sure they stayed there for hours, for their next stop was the old shrine deep in the woods. He had purposely set this up, if he timed it right, things would play into his hands the way he wanted them to.

"Ok Ashely, we have enough information here, and we have time to visit the shrine before you have to go home, if you want to that is, it's already 8:00. It's most likely dark and the shrine is an hour walk in the woods." Shawn spoke, as he left the museum, followed by the girl.

      Ashley looked at the ground. "I-I guess that's okay..... Mom and dad are out of town right now so I haven't missed dinner...." She said, trying not to blush anymore than she was. I mean, alone with her teacher in the middle of the woods? What would her mother think? She hated being in trouble. But it was for a project. So it was okay, right?

       Shawn led the girl to the woods, the sounds of the night loud in the forest. He looked back, and in the almost faded light, could tell that Ashley was scared.

   "It's ok Ashley, there is nothing to be afraid of, but if you need to, you can hold my hand to stay calm." Shawn spoke, and held his hand out to her slowly, hoping she would take it.

       She wasn't going to at first. But then she heard a howl in the distance and grabbed it quickly, getting closer to him and shaking a little. "Y-you got a F-flashight?"

       "Just relax Ashley, I'm here and I'm not going to hurt you. I have a story for you though. " Shawn spoke and squeezed her hand comfortingly.

    "A long time ago, there was two lovers, they were in the same classroom, but the problem was, the man was much older. Each day he would grow more and more fond of this girl, the one he watched. The more he watched her, the more he feel in love. "

He paused and squeezed her hand again. "What do you think he should have done, Ashley?"

      Her heart raced at the story. It sounded so familiar to her. "W-well it depends on the age g-gap. I don't think someone in their 40s should feel that way towards a teen, but someone in their twenties wouldn't be bad. A-anyways..... M-m-maybe he should just.... T-tell her how he f-feels

    Shawn froze, and in an instant, spun around and kissed the girl, a split second, fast, barely there kiss, and then he spun back and kept moving, pulling the dazed girl behind him.

    "The man spent day and night trying to figure out how to get his love to notice him, and over time, he eventually gave up. Several years passed and the girl was on a trip, back to the old school, where they met once again, and feel in love all over, just like the first time. Sometimes, it can't be stopped."

      Ashley wasn't even paying attention to anything anymore. She was completely dazed. She could have sworn she just died and went to heaven.

Her teacher, Mr. Cari had kissed her. It was quick, barely a peck, but still warm and welcoming. She wanted more, something longer, but she was too shy to ask.

      That was all he could offer for now. From that point on, until the chances presented them self, like they might at the shrine, he would play it safe. The way the girl didn't reject the kiss, he knew that he was on her mind, that she wanted him as well. But there was still the issue that he was a school teacher. This was wrong, he knew it, knew the potential harm this could cause to both of them, but this girl who's hand was in his own, she was worth it to him, she was like the sweetest honey, a gem that shown when he thought of or saw her.

They walked side by side in silence for a long time. It wasn't an ackward silence. It was actually quite comfortable. Just the two of them, walking in the woods by pale moon light. His eyes, they seemed to shine brighter than the moon to her. Oh, how he made her heart beat.

"Ashley, did you want to be my partner? I know you didn't seem happy when I called your name, like you don't really like me or something." Shawn spoke, pulling the girl closer and releasing her hand, wrapping his arm around her small frame instead as the walked along, her body warm against him. The sweet aroma of this girl made him lose his thoughts for just a moment.

"No! I-I mean..... o-of course not sensai. I respect you and.... um...." She couldn't speak anymore. The amazing man pulled her close and it made her lose her train of thought. 'He smells wonderful' She thought as they seemed to close the gap between them,

"I've been watching you Ashley, I know you want me, and I want you, but you know what? If anything happens then we must avoid each other until the school year ends, or I could get fired and if your say something against me you'll get my thrown in jail." Shawn spoke, and saw the low lit lights if the shrine in the distance.

She blushes like crazy and looks up at him willingly. "Y-you love me sensei?" She couldn't believe her ears
Her longest wish was coming true. She was so happy
She wondered what could top this moment.

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