Heart break

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The next morning, Shawn got up early to make a phone call. He dialed Ashley's number, and hit send, waiting for her to pick up. It had been so long since he had heard her sweet voice, and he missed it. He was hoping she would be up, and that they could have a long talk, it would be nice, it would make his whole day brighter.

      Ashley had woken up at dawn the next morning. At first, she was very confused on why she was naked. But memories from last night came flooding in like a tidal wave. No.... She couldn't have.....

     But after examining her be body, she knew it was true. She had sex with Trent. She started to cry softly, covering her mouth to muffle sobs so she does not disturb the sleeping male next to her.

     Her phone started to ring. Wait, she had her phone the whole fucking time?! 'I thought I left it at home!" She quickly pulled it out of her pocket and cleared her throat, trying to sound perky to the person on the other line. She hit answer. "H-hello?"

     "Hey my pink haired angel, did you miss me my love?" Shawn asked, cheerful to hear her voice again.
   "It's been lonely without you, I think about you all the time and just wanted to say hi, to hear your voice again, and ask you if you still love me and want to marry me."

   He spoke, his voice was happy and he was full of energy, he could barely hold the phone from the excitement of hearing his girlfriends voice again.

        Each word put a knife in Ashley's heart. How could she say anything to him now? "Y-yes of course I still want to marry you Shawn.....I-I love you......"

   During the call, Trent awoke, and looked up at the naked girl sitting before him. He smiled, ignoring the fact that she was on the phone. He spotted some of the left over berries and ate a few, and held his hand out to Ashley, watching as she took them.


    "Good my love, only another month before I can return to you." Shawn said, noticing a slight waiver in Ashley's voice.

   "Is something wrong? Is this a bad time?"

        "No, it's fine. Sorry, I'm still a little tired. I didn't sleep well at all last night." She said, holding a smile and faking a cheer in her voice. She hated pretending. She wanted to tell him. She wanted to cry in his shoulder and pour her heart out. But she couldn't. Not now.

       Trent watched the girl put a few berries in her mouth, and he ate a few more himself. He just listened to the conversation, pretty sure of who had called his Ashley. Trent watched her naked body and felt himself wanting more if her. He fought the pain in his leg and crawled up Ashley's body silently, kissing her neck softly.

     "Well I can let you get back to sleep if you'd like Ashley, I just wanted to say hi again, and hear your voice, I missed it a lot, I miss you a lot. I love you so damn much, your my whole world my baby doll."

The berries had no effect on poor Ashley anymore. But that still didn't stop Trent from kissing her neck. "I l-love you too Shawn.... I can't wait to s-see you again.....Bye...." They both hung up and Ashley gently pushed Trent away, standing up and getting dressed. "I'm going to go get help."

     Trent grabbed at Ashley's leg, and pulled her to the ground, stopping her from fully getting dressed. He wasn't going to let her slip away that easily. He began to kiss her deeply, and rubbed his body against hers.

"No, don't go yet, just have a little morning fun with me Cali." He spoke, an his hands went to her covered boobs, as the girl had her shirt and panties on only at this point. He squeezed her nipples through the cloth, even in his injured state he was still stronger then she was, his tung dancing against hers in Ashley's mouth.

Ashley tried to pull away, she really did. She didn't want this. Another tear fell from her eye as he kissed her. He didn't notice. He seemed not to care right now. He was putting so much pressure on her right now and it hurt.

     He could feel in her body manner that she wasn't seduced, he would have to try harder to get what they had just last night. Trents hand slipped down into Ashley's panties, and touched her hot clit. The moment he made contact, he felt Ashley go limp, as if he had found her on switch, and he felt her begin to kiss back, knowing that he had pushed away her conscious.

    He slowly slid his finger inside of her, moving it slowly, slowly, releasing the pressure of his body that pinned her down, he let Ashley become comfortable with it.

       Oh it did feel good. She didn't want to admit it if, but it did. The same feeling from last night had come back and she gave in to him. It was obvious he wasn't going to stop anyways. The last thing she needed was to be raped.

Moaning softly, she panted as his lips attacked her neck again with butterfly kisses. She trembled a little and grabbed his shoulders.

Trent kept pulsing his fingers in and out of her, fast and rough, until he felt the girl send her juices loose. He pulled his fingers out and looked at her.

"Ashley, if you really don't want to do this you can go get help now."

Nods and gets up, holding back her tears as she gets dressed. "I-I'll be back soon. Don't leave this spot." Her voice cracked a little when she spoke. She didn't want him to feel guilty about it. She did consent. It was her fault.

He whispered before she left, looking into her eyes. " I really want to have you again, I mean that for real, not because the sex was good, but because you make me happy. Your my childhood friend, the one who I spent so much time with, I really fell in love with you Cali."

She takes a deep breath, looking at him. "I-I know you do. And last night was..... Satisfactory....... But it was a mistake. I am promised to someone else. And he must hate me now." Tears streamed down her face. "I lied through my teeth to him over the phone. I slept with another man after I promised to be loyal to him......What am I going to do....."

    "So your fine with lying to me though. You promised yourself to me over ten years ago, we made a promise, and I kept my end coming back, I guess your just a liar anyway, so whatever just go then." Trent said, hurt, as far as Ashley knew, his hatred returning in an instant.

       Her breath hitches a little.... She actually did forget the promise. "Trent I.......We were kids. I honestly.....thought you would never come back. I moved on. I'm sorry......." She did feel bad. But things change..... Right?

       "Yea that's why we made the second part of the promise, to wait atleast 12 years, if I hadn't returned in that time then I wasn't coming back. It's only been Ten years Ashley, you broke the promise, you basically cheated on me, that's why I did what I had to, that's why I sent Shilla to get that teacher fired, sent away from here. Your mine Ashley, not that I'd keep you, my heart was crushed years ago, by a false promise of love. I was t really expecting you to keep the promise, I knew you would go and whore around. My mistake was forced upon me, a drunk girl who I helped out, and got close to. But you, you had to choose to get knocked up by a damn teacher."

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