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For an answer, Shawn waited till they were at the shrine. That walked up the steps and entered the small room, before Shawn shut the doors and drew the heavy wood blocker. "Here is your answer Ashley."

Shawn spoke, before pushing the young small girl into the wall, and kissed her deeply and with passion, his hands want to hers, entwining and gripping firmly, as he continued the immense kiss, his body pinning hers helplessly against the shrine wall.

Okay, it just got way better. Who would've thought her English teacher was an amazing kisser. She instantly kissed him back and grabbed his hands, moaning slightly when her back hit the shrine wall.

Shawn wasn't gentle. He had waited for this moment for four years now, and she was finally his. Nothing would stop his passion, his drive, his needs. His body slowly grinding on hers as he kissed her, his tung invaded her mouth, playing with hers as his hands released her hands and went to her side, gripping tightly.

Shawn let his hands explore after about twenty seconds, moving up the girls stomach, purposely slipping under her shirt, feeling the soft, tender skin of his lover.

Ashley was panicking on the inside. Yes, she wanted him so bad. But she has had no sexual experience what so ever. She's never even watched porn before! But the feeling of him touching her sensitive skin made her melt.

His French kiss was amazing for an English teacher. She moaned softly into his mouth as his hands got higher and higher up her shirt.

      "Are you ready Ashley?" Shawn asked, and took off the girls shift, before slamming her back into the wall again, biting her neck and grabbing her boobs roughly. He took the nipples in his hands and squeezed them, trying to turn her on.

He didn't even give her time to answer before attacking her breasts. Wasn't like she was gonna say no to her fav teacher. His hands worked their magic on her sensitive buds as she moaned. She could feel her neither reigons getting so wet just from his touch alone.

"I'm sorry Ashley, I know this is wrong, but I have to do this. You have I stay away from me after tonight, we can't do this until you've graduated. That will be two months from now, but I can't resist you right now." Shawn kissed her neck, and went down, biting her chest, then reaching her soft boobs. His lips danced gently over her skin, and he began to suck gently, slowly getting more rough with her, leaving hickeys on her breasts.

Shawn slid his hands towards the young girls pants, and took them off, sliding a finger towards her special area.

"D-did you bring mmmmmm me out here j-just for sex?" She moans and pants in between her words. It was hard to speak when a man like him is touching you like so.

The way that she asked the question made Shawn feel ashamed, the manner of her tone made him guilty. Shawn let go of the girl, and took a step back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry we don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"w-what? No don't stop! You......made me...horny...." She said, looking down. She was surprised she didn't stutter that time. Usually she would have fainted by something like this. But she was calm.

Shawn kissed her again, and push her back into the wall. "Ashley. I love you. I am not doing this for sex only, I am doing this cause I love you and with this will claim you as mine, forever, the girl I want to marry, the one I want to spend my life with." He kisses her deeply, French kissing once again.

She kisses back and grabs at his shirt, tugging on it to let him know she wants it off. She felt so safe and calm. Like she was on some sort of high. She loved him so much. She wanted him. She needed him.

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