Living the love

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Two years later, Trent and Ashley were having their one year old daughters birthday party. Trent sat next to Lillie, and looked at his beautiful wife, who was expecting another child in the near future. His daughter was beautiful, she had green eyes like her mother and Ashley had insisted on coloring her hair a bright blues and it hung just below her neckline.

He was still looking at his wife when a man approached and Trent immediately recognized him as Shawn.

Ashley came into the room with a birthday cake and smiling until she saw Shawn . Her face fell and her hands shook. She almost dropped the cake in her hands. "Shawn.... W-what are you doing here?"

A woman followed behind Shawn, wearing a wedding ring, and took his hand.

"I was in the area and decided to stop by, I'm sorry for not telling you, but I just wanted to see how you were doing. Your daughter is beautiful, you must be proud of her Ashley. This is my Wife, Crystal, I married her two years ago."

The date he stated put it around the same time he had left her, and it explained everything, the true reason why he had left. He gave her a smile, and then turned around, leaving the house, leaving the town for good.

    She just stood there, shocked by his visit. As she listened, she wasn't even sad. Perhaps it was all for the best. And the guilt she had held for the past two years seemed to vanished. She set the cake down and patted her daughter's head. She may be Shawn's kid, but Trent was a way better father. She wondered if Shawn had known she was his.

   Trent reached out and took his wife's hand, he held it tightly for a few seconds, and gave her a deep smile. This girl had changed his whole outlook, this was the girl who he had only wanted to hurt, he had originally wanted her dead inside, begging for him to take her back, but now she was the one who meant the world to him, and Lilly was his daughter, it didn't matter that she wasn't really his child. In his heart, the way the world saw it, Lilly was his.

     He picked up the small child and hugged her tight, close him, giving her a small kiss to the forehead. " I love you Lilly, I love you so much." He whispered softly.

     Lilly giggled and hugged his face. She was definitely a Daddy's girl. "Da-da" she said, and Ashley gasped. "Her first word! Oh I gotta take a picture!" Ashley pulled her phone and took a picture.

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