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       Ten years ago:

       Seven year old Trent and Ashley were playing around the small park, he always loved her pink hair, but that wasn't why they were friends. They were friends because this was the way it had always been. Friends from the start, and friends till the very end. This was the promise they had.

     "Ashley, I'm moving away in a month, but I have a promise for you. I will be back, I will return, to claim you as my bride. We have planned this since we were six, that we would end up together, do you remember? I intend to keep that promise."

     Ashley teared up a lot. "No don't leave, mommy and daddy are gone again! Don't leave me alone!" She had sobbed into the boys shoulder for hours during that time. She pulls away and pecks his cheek.

      Ashley didn't know what to do. Something told her run away from him. Another part of her wanted to hug him in hold him tightly. She remembered the promise they made as kids. But they were kids back then. And who knows how much he's changed. Plus, Ashley was in love with another, and that wouldn't change.

    Trent knew full well that she remembered him now, and his promise. The thing she didn't know was his broken and shattered heart. He didn't care for her, and he had no intention of this promise being kept. The only thing he did intend though, was to leave her as broken he was. She was cute enough, that was for sure.

    Nice face, the same pink hair, and she had developed nicely. He would seduce her, slowly getting her to fall for him, and then, he would take her. Take everything, and shortly after leave her there begging for more, a more that would never come.

       "I..... can't believe it's you......" She said, looking at the ground. He had matured a lot. It was kind of embarrassing actually. Ashely felt as if she hadn't changed a bit since Junior High.

       Trent smiled. "I told you I'd come back for you, remember the promise we made? Or did you forget. I saw...... I mean I know you changed a lot." The way he stammered hinted that he knew something he was hiding. The truth was, the day that the teacher had kissed Ashley during class. It wasn't that girl who had seen them, Trent had been passing by, and saw it all through the window. He knew it was Ashley right away, and paid off that dumb slut to send the letter, as if it was her who had seen it all.

    He used a fast sex session to keep her quiet. It was too easy, girls could always be manipulated with sex. Did he care that Ashley was with this man? Not in the least. But it gave him more hold to crush her even more. The only problem was, staring into her eyes now, was he actually feeling something towards her? No, that couldn't be, not now, not ever.

She froze a little, thinking of the promise they made. It saddened her that she forgot, and he was too late now. She didn't love him like that anymore. But, they could still be friends of course

"Of course I didn't forget. I-I still remember. So um..... W-what do you need?" She asked, looking up some.

   "What do I need? Why I need you of course." He spoke, and grabbed the back of her head, delivering the most Devine kiss that Ashley had ever felt. It was genuine, or as real as he could force it anyway. He knew that she would resist, at first, but if he did it well enough, she would give in.

    He felt eyes on them, as students passed by, the two of them still by Ashley's locker, but he didn't care, let them see. It would make it harder for her to get out of it if people saw them.

   He put more passion into the kiss, closing his eyes and laying his body into hers, until, a minute later at least, he pulled away, painting for air. "I missed you my Cali."

     Ashley was freaking out. She wanted to push him away. she wanted to run. She wanted to scream for help. But her body froze up in fear.

When he pulled away, the tears from earlier we're falling from her eyes as she backed away more. She didn't want that. He didn't even ask. Why did this have to happen to her?

    "Come on, don't act like you didn't like that, I know you have kissed a guy before, and I bet that kiss was better then any that." He paused and leaned close to her ear. " any kiss that the old teacher had given you."

    With those words he gave her a smile, and backed away, walking into the crowd of students and out the front door.

Her face fell from sadness to absolute horror. He knew. How did he know? He just moved back and Shawn left weeks ago. How did he know? Did that girl tell him about it? Is everyone going to find out? Not that it seemed to matter anymore. He quit and graduation was right around the corner for her. But still, what if everyone found out?

She slide down on the floor, tucking her knees to her chest and hugs them. She began to sob quietly  by her locker. Her life was a mess. She just wanted a peaceful life...


      That night Shawn sat in his small apartment, lonely and missing his girl. He hadn't texted her yet, giving her room to adjust, but as the man sat there, he couldn't bear it anymore. He got his phone out and brought up her number.

    <Ashley, I miss you. I think about you every night. The place I'm at is pretty, but it pales in the light of your smile, your voice, your hair, your very being. I want to come back and visit you, but we both know that's not safe. I will come back once you've graduated, and I will marry your my love.>

Ashely woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. She gasped and grabbed her phone, reading over the message. Tears of joy weld up in her eyes as she read it. She honestly didn't know what to say.

Shawn> I miss you so much! My life without you these past few weeks have been so miserable. I dry every night cause I know you won't be here when I wake up. Graduation can't come sooner. I need you. I miss you.

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