"I promise you a new life, I promise you to be there... but even if I'm trying you don't remember what we used to be together".
She just wants to know everything she can't remember... and she just wants to know the guy behind her phone's background...
It was a day after the incident and the random change from the weather, all of your friends started to ask you why you fell down to the floor like that but you didn't know how to answer so you didn't reply, making them change the topic and then they started to talk about what to do next. This day everyone planned to go to the shopping mall in Toronto, that's where you are right now with all your friends.
-Okay, let's go to get some coffee first, you know how much I love coffee – Jisoo said with a smile.
-Sure thing! I was waiting for you to say that – Kogyeol said very excited.
-Well, let's go! - Kuhn grinned.
You entered to a cafeteria near the entrance of the shopping mall, everyone ordered something different; Jisoo ordered a Latte, Layla ordered a white chocolate cappuccino, Kogyeol ordered a dark coffee cappuccino. However, Kuhn and you ordered two iced Americanos'.
When you were ready to go after you pay for the coffees everyone went to your first destination, the music store. While walking around the mall searching for the store, Layla started to make everyone laugh while talking about some experiences she had in Toronto when she was younger, Kuhn continued the conversation with some curious things he learned in Toronto a long time ago when he first came here. Finally, you found the music store and by the time you were about to get inside all of you finished your coffees just in time.
You entered to the music store with your friends and everyone was searching for something they will like, as you were searching beside Jisoo and Kogyeol, you saw an album that captured your attention... it was a band named UP10TION, surprisingly Kogyeol and Kuhn are in the main cover with, Wooshin?!
-Jisoo, look what I found.
-What Y/N? - Jisoo looked at the album, she was amazed too. Without you noticing, Jisoo hit Kogyeol's toe capturing his attention. As soon as he realized what you were holding, he immediately grabbed it away from your hands.
-Kogyeol, can you explain to me what I saw? - You asked confused.
-Y/N, what are you talking about? - Kogyeol asked nervously.
-Jisoo saw it too, right? - You spoke.
-Yes Y/N but it wasn't Kogyeol nor Kuhn, you got it wrong - Jisoo stated.
-I didn't tell you that it was Kogyeol nor Kuhn at all, I just said: "look at it" - You pointed out.
-Whatever, I thought it was Kogyeol and Kuhn too, but they aren't - Jisoo said as she started to get nervous too.
-Exactly! I'm not the person in this album, and Kuhn is not there either - Kogyeol assured.
-So, why is Wooshin there? Why did you take it away from me? - You asked overly.