1 || Toronto

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-Y/N's POV-

Today you're on a trip with your friends, all of you are really excited and you can't wait to get to your final destination, Toronto. You're too far from home, you don't feel good by some reason, and however, you don't let it show because you want to enjoy the trip with your friends.

You finally arrived at the place you're staying tonight, it was a nice cabin, and it's quite fancy though. Your friends started to pick up their stuff from the car, then all of you got inside the cabin.

-Okay, girls, you won't care if we sleep mixed up right? – Kogyeol asked.

-Of course! I need my beauty sleep! – Layla said annoyed.

-Whatever, I'll sleep with you during the trip, I don't mind - You spoke.

-Thank you Y/N, now let's get to our rooms - Kuhn smiled.

The guys picked up your suitcase as climbing upstairs to the rooms, when you got to the second floor you saw the room you'll share with them. Suddenly a flashback appeared in your mind, you felt like you have been here already.


Kuhn noticed your distraction and he quickly brought you back to reality.

-Y/N are you okay? - He asked concerned.

-Me? Yeah, just looking around - You stuttered.

-Fine, if you need something tell me please, okay? - Kuhn said while caressing your hair.

-Sure, thank you, Kuhn - You grinned.

Kuhn gave you a light pat on your head after he left the room.

*At Night*

You got up from bed because you couldn't sleep, so, you stood up and started to search for your phone, then you went downstairs to the living room area and started to use your phone. As soon as you unlocked the screen you saw the picture background, it was a photo that you took time ago, but there's somebody you don't remember.

Who are you?

You started to search through your phone photos searching again for that same guy that you don't recognize, as you kept searching you found more and more pictures of him with you, you look so happy next to him, but... who is him? You always ask the same question to yourself every time you unlock your phone. As you were looking around the photo gallery, suddenly you felt the presence of someone and luckily it was Kogyeol.

-Why are you awake? Tomorrow we have lots of things to do - Kogyeol told.

-Hmm, Kogyeol, do you know this guy? – You asked as you pointed at the guy you can't recognize on your phone screen.

-Yes, I do, but why are you asking me such a question? You always ask me that Y/N - Kogyeol said a bit annoyed.

-I know, but every time I ask you, you avoid the question, you don't tell me why I know him too - You stated.

-Y/N... we'll talk about this in the morning, but right now you need to rest - Kogyeol said.

-Okay! But at least tell me if he is important to me... please Kogyeol - You begged.

-He's very important for you, extremely close to you and your reason for many of your goals, now please, can we go to sleep? - He questioned, almost getting upset by your questions.

-Alright, let's go - You sighed.

You went with Kogyeol upstairs again and went to sleep.

That night you couldn't sleep well, you kept asking yourself "why" "how" and "when". And just like that the night passed by, your thoughts and questions were everything you saw every time you closed your eyes.


The morning arrived and right now you're getting ready to go to visit the town since it's very cold outside you need to wear warm clothes. Your friends are getting ready too and despite the great things you and your friends have a plan for today, you still remember that Kogyeol owes you talk about last night. That's literately the only thing you were thinking of all night.

-"Who is him?"

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