6 || Together

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-Y/N's POV-

The assault of Virtual Case? What does that even mean?

Again you didn't know anything that what's happening, Wooshin and the others didn't tell you a single thing. You need to be faster and try to remember quicker if they're not going to tell you anything you'll have to do something fast.

Right now, the only ones at home are Layla and Jisoo, the guys went to their normal schedules as K-pop idols. You know perfectly that Layla is not going to speak or say anything to you, and Jisoo is going to act like she didn't hear you at all, you know that because that's what they used to do when they didn't want to tell you anything about Wooshin.

You're in your bedroom looking at the window that has a perfect view of the entrance of the house, where you saw Wooshin.

Why is Wooshin here?

You heard the door from the entrance opening and as soon as that happened, you pretended to be asleep in the bed, for some weird reason you felt something was wrong and that it was more than that assault case thing. You were closing your eyes while you laid down on the bed when suddenly you heard the bedroom's door opening harshly. Wooshin stood by your side and started to watch how you "sleep".

-Y/N, I know you're not asleep, get up now - Wooshin started to push you gently for you to get up from the bed. You didn't respond and you stay still.

-Y/N! Hurry! - Wooshin said seriously

-Hey! Don't talk to me like that. You might be my boyfriend but you don't have any right to do that - You spoke.

-I'm sorry Y/N, but I'm very worried, I have to make sure you're safe - He looked away from you.

-What are you talking about? I'm safe now - You claimed.

-No for long - He sighed.

-What? - You asked confused.

Wooshin picked you up in his arms and went with you outside the house, he placed you in the co-pilot seat of the car that was in front of the entrance, Wooshin got inside as well and he started to drive away, leaving Layla, Jisoo and the house behind.

-Where are we going Wooshin? - You asked.

-Somewhere safe for you - Wooshin said.

-But you have to go with... - You said before he interrupted you.

-UP10TION, I know, but I told my manager that I'll be right back with them - He explained.

-Alright - You nodded while looking down to your hands.

-Hey, don't worry - Wooshin said.

-How can't I do that if you're putting yourself in trouble because of me? - You asked upset.

-Y/N, you know that everything I do is because I want to keep you safe - Wooshin said concerned.

-Safe from who? - You questioned.

-I can't tell you till you remember more - Wooshin told.

-That's the problem, I don't remember anything... almost anything - You complained.

-Be patient, you'll see... you're going to remember - Wooshin said with a settle smile.

Finally, you arrived at the place Wooshin wanted to get to, he got out of the car and then he helped you to get out. He took your hand and guided you to the entrance of another house. It's pretty fancy and modern, however, it doesn't seem to be close to the main center of Seoul; as soon as you got close to the house you felt that you had been here, you were looking confused because you didn't remember the reason why you know this place. Wooshin took you inside the house and immediately you felt a soft memory coming back.

-Do you remember this house? Go ahead look around - Wooshin let go your hand and you started to look around as he said.

-It's all so familiar - You murmured-

-What do you feel Y/N? - He asked.

-Happiness all over the place, and it feels warm like if this place was mine, my home - You admitted.

-It is... it's ours - He said.

-Ours? - You asked confused as you looked at him.

-Yes, we bought this house together, we never used it because we were planning on moving in after your trip - Wooshin explained.

-That ended up in a tragedy, right? Why you didn't tell me before about this place? - You asked.

-I thought it was too soon, but I think you'll be alright here - Wooshin said.

-So... you think I will be safe in here? - You questioned.

-Absolutely, nobody knows about this place, only our friends - Wooshin assured.

-So, are they coming too? - You asked shyly.

-No, it's too risky, it's better if this place doesn't get very crowded - Wooshin sighed, he seems very down, to be honest.

-Am I going to live alone? - You asked.

-Whatever you wish - He smiled a bit.

-Could we retake what we left? - You asked shyly while looking down.

-What do you mean? - He asked surprised by your words.

-Will you stay here, with me, as we planned time ago? - You asked.

-Aw, Y/N... - Wooshin got towards you, he gave you a tight and warm hug. -I wish you could remember what you felt before - He whispered near your ear.

-I'll try my best to recover all our memories - You murmured, almost about to cry.

-Y/N, you're going to make me cry - Wooshin chuckled a tad.

-*Giggle* Thank you for bringing me here - You smiled.

-No problem. Do you feel better now? - He asked.

-Yes, I feel like I'm home - You said feeling happier.


Wooshin gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead while both of you were resting on the living room; he was feeling calm until his phone rang.

-What's the matter? - You asked.

-I forgot about the schedule, I have to go Y/N. I'll see you in the night - Wooshin said before kissing your head.

-Okay, be careful - You smiled.

-I love you, baby - Wooshin grinned.

-Love you - You said while watching him leave.

Wooshin got out of the house very quickly, now, you're all alone in that big house. You can't still believe that this house it's yours and Wooshin's... it feels good, so good.

I want to remember my entire feelings for you Wooshin, that's at least what you deserve for all the things you're doing for me.

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