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(A/N: I'll just write in first person now, aka your point of view.)

There's always at least one annoying person that keeps bothering you in everyone's life. For me, it wasn't Kei. Kei was another problem by himself. The annoying person was Daiki. Ever since Daiki's crush confessed to me, Daiki hated me. He hated me even more when I turned her down, and made her cry. So, Daiki always tries to harass me. So far, it wasn't that bad, and Daiki failed.

But today was a bit different.
I had to walk home alone after school, because my friend had something to do at school. That was ok though, because it was peaceful and I liked walking by myself sometimes. However it was not ok when Daiki and his two friends suddenly began walking closer to me. I started walking faster, but so did they. I took a turn, and so did they. At this rate they would follow me home, and there was no way I was going to let them know where I lived. So, I stopped, and let them catch up to me.

"Is there something you want?" I coldly glared at them.

"Something we want? What do you mean?" Daiki smirked playing dumb.

"I know you've been following me, so just say what you want"

"Well, if you say it that way, then there's no choice. I want to make your life miserable, just as miserable as you've made mine"

"I didn't make your life miserable. You're just a coward who can't even confess to the person he likes, much less get her to like you"

That make him lose his cool and lung at me.

"You-!" He threw a punch at me.

I dodged, but ended up tripping and fell. Since we were walking near a lake, we were quite close to it now. I got up, only to be pushed back by one of his friends. The lake was behind me and as I fell backward, I knew this wasn't to be good.

But then, his friend got pushed away from me, and someone reached me before I fell. The person put his arm out behind me, and my back fell into his arm. He pulled me back up into his chest. Holding me tight, he seemed comforting. But that's when I realized it was Kei.

He let go of me, and that comforting aura was soon gone. It was replaced with a terrifying aura instead. Kei glared at Daiki and his friends as if he was about to kill them.

"What do you think you're doing?" He slowly moved closer to them as he cracked his knuckles.

"W-who are you?" Daiki was the first to speak.

"That's not important. What's important is that you tried to hurt (y/n). I won't let you off so easily, I'll never let you hurt (y/n) again!"

Daiki and his friends began to attack Kei. But they didn't stand a chance. In a couple of seconds, they were all on the ground, beaten up. There wasn't even one scratch on Kei.

"Living for such a long time made me gain experience. Especially with fighting"

Kei's dark aura disappeared as he smiled at me.

"More importantly, are you hurt anywhere?" He added.

"No, I'm fine"

I had a lot of questions to ask him, like how he knew where I was, how old he was, and why he saved me, but for now I was going to go with this.

"Thanks for helping me"

I was a nice person after all, so even though I could have probably dealt with them myself (probably not) I decided to say that first.

"Ha ha, you're so cute (y/n). Of course I would help you" he laughed a bit.

"I-I'm not cute! That's considered an insult to guys, you know?"

Then he stopped laughing.

"So, (y/n). Is there anyone else I need to beat up for you? I can do it right now if you want"

"No, I'm fine" I quickly said.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, so just make sure you tell me if there's something wrong"

Then he looked at my arm. I looked at it as well to see it was bleeding.

"So you really did get hurt...." He said.

"Oh, I didn't even see it there"

He went up to the three guys on the ground and started kicking them.

"Looks like I didn't hurt them enough"

"I think that's enough, let's just go already!"

Although I didn't think it was enough, Kei had that scary look on his face again.

"Well, if you say so"

We walked home together which wasn't that far away. I was still deciding what to think of Kei, whether he was a good person, bad person, or just creepy. In the end I didn't decide.

We reached our houses but before he went into his house he went up to me. He grabbed my arm and licked the blood, smirking.

"Delicious as ever. See ya later (y/n), love you!"

He went inside his house before I could say anything.

He's really....

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now