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After a tiring school day, I finally finished all my classes and was outside of school with my friend, Aki.

"Ugh, it's so hot! To think we have to walk home in this heat...terrible" Aki said.

"I'll probably dehydrate" I added.

We were melting from the heat when I noticed a familiar presence in the distance, walking to our school. It couldn't be...could it? It was!

"Hey (y/n)!" Kei walked up to us.

"Wha...What are you doing here?!
And how did you know I go to this school?!"

Don't tell me...he's really a stalker...?! That thought made me shiver.

"I came to pick you up of course" he smiled, but I wasn't convinced.

"Uh, (y/n) who's this?" Aki asked.


Who he was? I wasn't sure actually. A stalker? Someone who saved me? A kidnapper? A creep? Maybe all of the above.

"I'm (y/n)'s boyfriend" Kei said without a doubt in his voice.

"Huh?!" Both Aki and I questioned.

"I'm not your boyfriend! Why would you think that?"

"What do you mean? I told you I loved you" Kei replied.

"I never said I liked you back!"

"But, you never said you didn't like me either, you didn't reject me. So that must mean you like me, but you were too embarrassed to say it"

What's with him?! Do I have to reject him now?

"Come on just admit it, you like me" Kei was persistent.

Where did this confidence come from?

"Sorry, it looks like I'm interrupting something. I'll see you later, (y/n)!" Aki dashed away.

"Wait, you're not!" I sighed when Aki already left.

Aki didn't judge people, or who they loved, so it didn't matter to him if I had a boyfriend or not. He just didn't like to get involved in love affairs, no matter whose it was.

"Now that he's out of the way, it's easier. Come on, I'll take you home" Kei pointed to the car parked at the sidewalk.

He started walking towards it, while I just stood in the same spot.

"Aren't you coming?" Kei asked.

I could walk home in this heat, or I could get driven home while risking being in danger with a person I barely know. The obvious choice was-

I sighed happily. The air conditioner in the car was great, and I really cooled down. Why did I even consider walking before? This was faster and better.

(A/N: remember not to get into a stranger's car! You need to know the person for a while, and that they're safe to get in their car!)

Kei's....weird? Is that the right word for it? But he really helps me out sometimes, so I guess it's ok.

We were both sitting in the front car seats, as he insisted. When we finally arrived to our houses, I wanted to get out of the car but the car doors were locked.

"Can you open the doors?" I nervously asked.

He smirked.

"Not before I get to do this"

What's he gonna do?! Oh sh-

He grabbed my chin and pulled me closer to him as he kissed me suddenly.

He then moved his lips away and started laughing.

"Haha (y/n), that look on your face is so funny!"

I guess I looked shocked, or embarrassed, or something else. But either way, his laughing annoyed me!

He unlocked the door while still snickering a bit, and I got out fast.

"Sorry (y/n), I wasn't making fun of you. You're just so fun to tease!"

"You're definitely making fun of me! Don't laugh!"

"Ah, (y/n)..."

"What is it now?" I looked at him as his expression changed.

"I didn't get to say this today. I love you"

What am I supposed to say to that?

"I-I gotta go. Bye!" I quickly went inside my house.

Outside, Kei smiled.


Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now