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(A/N: I didn't want to say this before because it's kind of a spoiler [for now] so I wrote it backwards
"retpahc tsal eht si 11 retpahc" )

I understood what Daiki was going through-denial. It's hard to accept yourself sometimes when everyone else says it wrong. I had gone through this at one point too. But, I wasn't as violent as Daiki.

Instead of hating Daiki, I felt bad for him. (Since Kei really beat him up before.) I wouldn't be able to accept his feelings, but he shouldn't feel bad about himself.

Well, after a long time of thinking, I've come up with many reasons as to why sexualities other than heterosexual were good.

"Why are you so mad? It's not bad if you like boys. The only thing that's bad is other people that think it's wrong" I said.

"Huh? What are you...are you ok with it? You can't possibly be!"

Daiki's angry expression subsided and was replaced with a sad one.

"But, I am. It took a while, but I finally figured it out. Everyone likes different things, because everyone's a different person. Just as you can't expect everyone to like the same gender, because humans are not clones. It doesn't matter who you like because in the end, something as pure as love can't be considered wrong"

I'm not sure if I should've said anything else, but one look at Daiki's face and you could tell he's not angry anymore.

"Here, you should read this" I added.

I took out my notebook from my bag and handed it to him. He looked at me confused.

"Huh? But...huh? What's this?"

"It's....what I wrote when I was confused. It helped me, and it'll help you too"

He opened up to the first page and read a little. His eyes widened, and he looked like he was about to cry.

"You should go home and think about it some more. Take your time to read it"

He just stood there holding my notebook, probably really surprised. I walked towards the door, and opened it. But before I left I heard a small "thank you".

That notebook was really important to me at one point. But now, I've reached a point that even without it, I'm fine. Because now I know. Yup, it contains a lot of information I've figured out as to why being gay isn't bad.

Suddenly, as I was walking outside of school I saw Kei. He looked kind of irritated, but when he saw me he broke out into a smile.


I expected him to be cheerful, but what I didn't expect was for him to run towards me and suddenly hug me.

"K-Kei! What are you doing, let go!"

"We haven't seen each other in a while and I missed you!" He whined.

"Well, you're not the only one..."

Although I whispered it, Kei still heard it.

His face looked shocked for a moment before he broke out into a huge grin.

"If you missed me, you could've just said so. I'll always come to you whenever you want"

"I-I didn't say I missed you!"

Before I could say anything else, he kissed me.

"I can never get enough. Your lips are just so sweet, (y/n)~"

Embarrassed, I ran ahead of him. I spotted his car in the distance, so I guessed he was picking me up again. Things like this...I couldn't say I hated them. Kei wasn't ever a bad person to me, that's why I never thought he'd-


Unknown to Kei and (y/n), someone was left behind.

"(Y/n), where are you?! I thought you said we'd walk home together!" Aki still stood, waiting.

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now