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(A/N: because of the comments I decided to make an extra chapter, so there's still more)

The irritating sound of an alarm clock woke me up. Yawning, I rolled out of bed and patted my crazy bed hair down. With no use, my hair still looked messy.

Deciding I'll fix it later, I rubbed my eyes and slowly walked down the stairs. Only to be startled by the noise of footsteps other than my own. Was there someone in my house? Because my head hurt and I wasn't good with mornings, I started walking in the direction of the noise. Walking to the kitchen, I saw-

"Oh, (y/n)! Good morning!" Kei chirped.

Why am I not surprised?

Then Kei started snickering a bit.

"What?" I said with an annoyed tone.

"Your....hair..." he said between laughs.

Sure, it looked like a bird just made a nest out of my hair, but rude! I was going to retort when I smelled something good.

"What's that smell?"

"I made pancakes" Kei said.

As my once blurry eyes now adjusted, I noticed he was wearing an apron....and nothing underneath.

"Gah! Why aren't you wearing any pants?!" I screeched.

This was bad for my heart.

"Wearing clothes is a pain, and besides. If it's you I wouldn't mind showing more~"

"Please put on some clothes! I'll even lend you my clothes just change in the bathroom!"

I shoved him into the bathroom and threw my clothes at him. He pouted a bit but agreed nonetheless.

While he was changing, I stared at the pancakes in the kitchen. He didn't poison the food, right?

Deciding to eat it anyway, I sat down and took a bite. It was....delicious! As a person who couldn't cook and usually ate convenience store food, someone making food like this for me was a blessing. I finished it quickly with content.

Then I started thinking about Kei. He's done so much. He saved me from getting hurt, he came when I called him, he kissed me, and we even went on a date together. Isn't he like my boyfriend? He does like me too...So how did I feel about him?

That's when I realized Kei was now next to me.

"W-when did you finish?" I asked.

"Just about now. Your happy face while eating is so cute" he smirked.

"Also...." He brought his sleeve up to his face.

"I love how these clothes smell like you"

How embarrassing could he get?! But, I should thank him properly.

"Thanks...for the food" I whispered.

"If it's for you I'll do anything" Kei's smile widened.

Then I suddenly remembered why I woke up early in the first place on a Saturday. I looked at the clock.

"Oh, I better hurry or I'll be late!" I got up.

"Huh? Late for what?" Kei questioned.

I wondered if I should tell him or not. But...lying wasn't a good thing either, right? So I told the truth.

"I'm hanging out with Aki today"

As soon as I said that Kei's expression hardened. He had that serious look that I rarely saw. Was this bad?

"Aki huh....you're awfully close to him...aren't you?"

"Uh, not really..."

I didn't like where this was going.

"Hey, between me and Aki, who do you like more? It's me right? So why...do you keep being with him?!"

That was probably the first time I heard Kei yell, it was scary.

"Ah sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. But....I really can't...."

Kei had a distorted look on his face. For once, I questioned how he really felt.

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now