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A man pushed me against the wall, and slammed his hand against it.

"You smell delicious" he licked his lips.

It's wasn't Kei, but another vampire?

He lowered the collar of my shirt to reveal bite marks.

"What, you've been marked already?" He looked disappointed.

I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but ever since Kei sucked my blood, those bite marks have been left on my neck. I usually covered it up so nobody would see.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"You've been bitten by another vampire before, right? But when we suck other's blood, we're able to do it without leaving bite marks. That means, they left marks on purpose. The only reason a vampire would do that is if they've claimed you as theirs, and it's a sign for other vampires to lay off"

That guy! He did this on purpose?! But I gotta say, in this situation it's convenient.

"Well, since he already marked me it seems I won't be bitten by others. I'll be taking my leave now-"

He grabbed my arm.

"But it's such a shame, it seems like you have great blood. Hey, why don't you forget about him and become mine?" His red eyes shined.

I acted fast and punched him.

Right after that, I began running like I never did in my life.

I managed to get out of the house unscathed, and spotted Aki outside.

"(Y/n)! I was getting worried and wondered where you went. What happened?"

Should I tell him? Nah.

"Nothing, I just tripped and fell"

"That's a relief, let's hurry up and get out of here"

After he was close to his house, we stopped walking.

"Sorry for taking you there! I just really wanted to see it. But when it gets dangerous, you really need to run"

"Well, let's just be glad nobody got hurt. Still, to think we got nothing out of that is a let down" I sighed thinking how useless it was to go there.

"Actually now that I remember it, I managed to snap a picture of the ghost!"

"Really? Let me see"

He did take a picture, that definitely wasn't our imagination. However it was too blurry to see if the floating figure was really a ghost or not.


We said our goodbyes as we parted ways.

While walking alone, I spotted Kei.

"(Y/n), perfect timing, let's walk home together" He went up to me.

"Well it's not like I got a choice, we're neighbors after all"

Although I said that, he didn't seem discouraged. Instead he got more determined.

"Hey (y/n), give me your phone for a bit"

"No way. Why do you even need it?"

"Because isn't it strange? We still haven't exchanged phone numbers even though we like each other"

I gave him a look.

"I'm not always with you, so I get worried. If you have my number, you can call me if you're in trouble. No matter what, no matter where, I'll always come to you if you need me too"

Thinking about it, didn't this mean free bodyguard service? Is he saying that he'll show up whenever I tell him to on the phone? Then sign me up.

"In that case, ok" I agreed.

Back then, I didn't think I'd actually need to call him one day.

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now