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(Y/n) woke up in an unfamiliar place, lying on a bed and wondering where he was. Trying to remember what happened to him before, he spotted a man (Kei) in the room.

"Oh, you're finally awake"

Although the man smiled, something was off about him. Plus, (y/n) never saw this person before...Wait.

That's when (y/n) finally remembered that someone dragged him into an alley.
(Y/n) shot up from the bed and began running out the door.

"Someone save me! I've been kidnapped!" (Y/n) hoped there were good people around to hear him so they could help him.

The man's eyes widened before he went after (y/n). Before (y/n) could run out of the house, the man had grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Let go of me! You'll be put in jail!"

"I didn't kidnap you! You have to listen to me!"


"I...love you!"

(Y/n) was confused at the sudden confession, but was even more confused when the man had kissed him. He grabbed (y/n)'s waist and held him strong. Then he bit (y/n)'s lip, causing it to bleed. But then he licked the blood, and smiled.

"Your blood is delicious"

"What's wrong with you?! Who are you?" (Y/n) backed away.

"Oh, I guess I didn't introduce myself. I'm Kei, and I'm an immortal vampire"

Wondering if he was joking, (y/n) looked closely at his expression. But he looked serious.

"Well, you probably don't believe me. Then I don't mind If I take your blood"

Kei went up to (y/n) again and bit his neck. (Y/n) was shocked that vampires existed, and that one was in front of him, sucking his blood. (Y/n) pushed him away. 

"What do you want from me?!"

"Hm? Well, I guess...I want to be with you"

"I don't even know you but you love me?"

"You may not know me, but I know you"

(Y/n) took that moment of distracting Kei to flee, and get out of the house.

Kei was going to go after (y/n), but then sighed and stopped.

"If you're going to be like that, then...I'll just be more persistent. You can't run away from me, (y/n)"

(Y/n) shivered as he finally got to his house. That was one of the weirdest things that happened to him, but at least Kei didn't seem dangerous. Just crazy. Should he have called the cops? Maybe, maybe not. But at least (y/n) was away from him now......Or so he thought.

It wasn't even a week later, and (y/n)'s neighbor had moved out of his house. (Y/n) was going to have a new neighbor from now on.
Someone rang the doorbell, and (y/n) went and opened the door.

(Y/n) paled at the person in front of him.


(Y/n) tried to slam the door shut, but Kei held the door open.

"Hello, I'm your new neighbor. Hope we get along from now on"

That's when (y/n) knew, he was trapped.

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now