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(A/N: I'll write chapter 6 in a week or sooner)

Out of all the people I've met, I can clearly say Aki is the most carefree thrill-seeker. Not to mention, kind of an idiot. He's been sent to the hospital more than a couple times, whether it was that he didn't take care of himself and fainted from a fever, fell down the stairs and sprained his ankle, or tried to climb a tree but fell and fractured his leg. He basically does what he wants. He keeps doing risky things, and I always have to help him out of trouble.

That's why, currently we were standing in front of an old, abandoned house when it was dark out. Aki loves the supernatural, and the recent rumor that a ghost was spotted here made him more than interested. No matter what I said, he wouldn't listen to me and insisted that he would come here, and that I should come as well.

Before Kei, I didn't believe in supernatural things. I still haven't told Aki about Kei being a vampire, and I doubt I ever will. Aki's...Aki after all.

I wouldn't have come here, but realizing that there were vampires meant there could be other creatures in the world. Since I'm a good friend, and I wouldn't want Aki to get hurt, I decided to go with him.

"Hey, Aki? Are you sure about this? We can still get out of here now" I asked.

"(Y/n), are you scared?" He smirked.

"No, but-"

"Then let's go! We've got a mystery to solve!"

He went in front of me, and knocked on the door. I wanted to retort about him knocking on the door, but then the door opened on its own with a creak.

We looked at each other, Aki with a smile of excitement, and me with a "let's get out of here" face.

Before I could run away, he grabbed my hand and led me inside. Does he even realize?

We looked around, for any signs of life. It was quiet, and only our creaky footsteps could be heard. We couldn't see anything, so Aki and I took out our flashlights.

"Aki, I think we should still leave, it's too-"

"Shh!" He put his hand over my mouth.

"I thought I heard something" he whispered in my ear.

We stood still, and waited for a sound. A couple seconds passed and there was nothing.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it away from my mouth.

"Aki, I-"

That's when we heard footsteps up the stairs. Aki grinned and signaled us to go there. We slowly and quietly walked up the stairs. Noises were coming from a particular room that was closed. With Aki in front, he reached toward the doorknob. Slowly, he opened it and-

"AHHH!" We both screamed.

There was a white figure in room, floating with a knife.

We immediately began running away. Aki was a fast runner, and was getting ahead of me. Running through the halls, we passed by several rooms. We were so scared, we didn't notice much of our surroundings though. Suddenly, the door to one room opened, and a hand grabbed me and pulled me inside. The door closed without much noise.

Aki had ran out of the house, failing to notice I wasn't behind him anymore.

I was trapped!

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now