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The truth was, although Kei was a vampire, he wasn't respected by other vampires. They saw him as a weakling, and a disgrace. All because he was a half. The condemned relationship of a vampire and a human caused him to be born.

So although he was a vampire, he didn't need to drink as much blood as other vampires did. Which also meant his presence was weaker than most vampires, and he couldn't tell who was a vampire and who was not.

This used to bother him a lot, but ever since he met (y/n), things like that didn't matter to him anymore. A lot of things he hated before, now weren't that bad to him.

All Kei wanted now was for (y/n) to be happy, happy with Kei. That's why....Kei wouldn't let anyone get in the way.

"Do you hate Aki?" I asked.

"Yes" Kei immediately answered.


"He's too close to you. I don't want anyone close to you besides me, I should be the only one! You like me after all, right? Right?"

That's when I realized I never told Kei how I truly felt. He's probably been anxious this whole time, not knowing anything. He must have been worrying if I liked him or not. He doesn't even know if I like Aki or not. So when he sees us together, it must be painful. But what Kei doesn't know, is that I already....

"Kei, you don't need to worry about Aki anymore. He's aromantic after all, so he won't date anyone. In the first place I don't even like him. But what I really want to say is...." I paused.

What I was going to say next was quite embarrassing.

Kei looked at me surprised at the new information, and also worried at what I was going to say next.

"I....li....I like you..."

I was suddenly embraced in a hug.

"I like you too, (y/n)"

I felt water fall onto my shoulder, was it...?

"Kei are you crying?" I was shocked.

"Just...a bit..."

We stayed like that for a while, while I hugged back.

Kei's hands were trembling a bit as he grabbed my back.

After some time, Kei finally spoke.

"Instantly after you said that...I feel like all my worries are gone. We're really dating now, right?"


He let go of me and looked at me with a smile.

"Somehow...sorry you had to see that side of me" Kei blushed looking away.

"It's fine" I smiled.

Then he looked at me again. He went closer to my face and placed his lips on mine. Instead of resisting, I melted deeper into the kiss. Except this time, the kiss wasn't like all the others. Because this time, it was much sweeter and full of love.

We had our moment together, but I couldn't help but feel like I was forgetting something again. Or someone. I looked at the clock.

"Oh, no. I forgot about Aki again!"
Let's hope that another book will make Aki forgive me again.

The End.
Thanks for the support and thanks for reading! <3

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now