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I hadn't seen her in a while, so I was surprised when Chiyo suddenly started talking to me after school ended.

"Hey, (y/n)" she waved at me coming closer.

Although we didn't have class together, we were still friends. She would sometimes come to the end of my class like today.

Looking around, I saw everyone left already, even the teacher. I was packing up, and getting ready to leave.

"O-oh, hi....Chiyo"

I thought things had gone awkward between us ever since she confessed to me. Yes, she's the one, and she's also Daiki's crush.

"We haven't seen each other for a while, want to go out to eat with my other friends?" She asked.

"Uh, no thanks I...."

What's a good excuse?

She stared at me with a questioning look.

"Could it be...you're still worried about when I confessed to you?"

I didn't say anything.

"Jeez, no need to worry about it! I completely forgot about it until now. I got over it, and I got a boyfriend as well so it's all good"

"What, you got a boyfriend already?" My eyes widened.

"He was the first to confess to me, and back then it was a spur of the moment but I agreed to go out with him. I didn't know he'd turn out to be such a nice guy, so I'm happy" she smiled.

That was surprising. I heard rumors she got a boyfriend, but I didn't think they'd be true.
Still...wasn't there something weird here?

"Is...Daiki bothering you?" I asked.

"Daiki? No, why would he?"

"Then is he bothering your boyfriend?"

"No. What, is there something with Daiki?"

That was weird. Really weird. I would think Daiki would try to attack her boyfriend, or try to stop their relationship.

"Well...didn't Daiki like you?" I said.

"Hm....I think you're misunderstanding something. Daiki likes you, not me"

"Huh? That makes no sense. Ever since you confessed, he started bothering me because he was jealous. He hates me"

"I think he just doesn't know how to show his feelings properly. He was jealous, but that's because he doesn't like people getting close to you"

"But he would glare at me when I was with you"

"Rather than glaring, he was just staring at you. He never paid much attention to me, or looked my way. He would only look at you"

"No way, he's not..."

What Chiyo said seemed too unreal.

"Also, you probably didn't notice but he would sometimes blush when you looked back at him, and turn away. What I think is that he just doesn't want to admit that he likes guys"

"I'm still unsure about that..."

How did Chiyo even know?

"I was confused at first too, but one day my doubts were cleared. Since I bring BL (boy x boy) manga to school-"

"Wait, what?" I stopped her.

"Oh, I guess you didn't know. I love reading BL"

Well, you learn something new everyday.

"So one day, I was running to class since I didn't want to be late, and ending up dropping my bag. I picked up my bag but didn't know my BL manga fell out, and was later upset when I realized I lost it. During lunch I decided to look around school to try and find it.....That was when I saw it. Daiki was sitting on the steps, reading my manga! He didn't see me, and seemed to enjoy reading it. I decided to leave quietly"

"You....gotta be kidding me"

If what Chiyo was saying was true then...Daiki really did have a crush on me?

"Oh it's late, I gotta go meet my friends now, see you later (y/n)" she starting leaving.


She was already gone. I was left alone to my thoughts, and wondering how she could have left after what she said before. This was too complicated.

I was the only one in the classroom now, and Aki must be waiting for me outside of the building. I was going to leave, but then Daiki walked in the classroom.

"You're wrong..." He looked grim.


What was he talking about?

"It's...not like that. It's your fault. It's your fault I'm like this now!" He yelled.

Could it be he heard Chiyo and I talking?

He locked the door behind him.

This didn't look good.

"Before I met you, I was normal. If only I didn't meet you. I'll make you pay"

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now