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I woke up to the ringing of my doorbell. Several times, in fact. What annoying person would keep ringing it? I didn't order anything, and I didn't have any plans. I was too tired and didn't want to get out of bed, so I just went back to sleep as the ringing stopped.

I woke up again. I felt someone's arms wrapped around me. My head was on someone's chest. Wait a minute. Who-?!

I opened my eyes and looked up to see Kei's face inches away from mine.

"Good morning, (y/n)" he smiled.

"How did you get in here?!"

"Through the window, of course"

I slapped his arms away and sat up.


"I tried ringing the doorbell at first, but you wouldn't open the door. So I had to do that. But when I came inside you were sleeping so cutely I couldn't help myself"

Geh. Now I wonder if I should start to think about the many things wrong with what Kei did just now.

"I wanted to spend some time with you today. I know you've been wanting to watch this movie for a while, so why don't we go watch it today?" He pulled out two movie tickets.

My eyes shined at that.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed forgetting everything else.

He laughed.

Kei was weird, but when you get good chances you got to take them.

He drove us to the movie theater, and we arrived in anticipation. When we picked some seats and sat down, I suddenly realized something. Isn't this like a date?

Before I could think more about it, the movie started and I watched it happily. Placing my hand on the hand rest, I relaxed. But then Kei suddenly put his hand on top of mine. I turned to look at him questionably. He just smiled, and said nothing. I turned around to look back at the movie. After that, Kei intertwined our hands together.

Gah! What was he doing?! So embarrassing! I tried to shake him off, but his grip was strong.

We ended up being like that throughout the rest of the movie.

At least the movie was great.

After we got home and I was about to go inside my house, Kei stopped me.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked.


He went close to me and kissed me.

"A goodbye kiss"


That was a weird day......

The next day, I went to school only to be faced with another problem.

"I forgot my lunch!" I exclaimed.

"Don't you have any money to buy lunch?" Aki asked.

"No, do you?"


I sighed. I would ask to share some of Aki's lunch, but Aki eats nasty food. (Vegetables, mushrooms)

I tried thinking of another option, but that's when I remembered what Kei said. That he'll come to me no matter what. I got it!

I started calling Kei.

"Hello?" He picked up.

"Hey, Kei. Could you bring my lunch?" I explained the situation to him.

He proved to be more useful than I thought, and he agreed to bring it.
I brought Aki along with me to the main office to wait.

"Ugh, I just remembered we have a presentation to do after lunch" my face showed fear.

"Don't worry about it, you're prepared enough!" Aki tried to cheer me up.

"But..." I frowned.

"Jeez, you worry too much. Relax!" Aki hugged me to calm me down.
That's when I saw an unhappy Kei appear behind us.

"Oh, he's here" I said as Aki let go of me.

I didn't know why, but Kei seemed really annoyed at something.

"You seem really close..." Kei's expression darkened.

"Uh, thanks for bringing my lunch!" I tried to brighten the mood.

Kei handed me my lunch and left shortly after. What's with him?

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now