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Kei was always bored, and had nothing to do. Things just simply never entertained him. Whenever he would find something fun to do, he would always get sick of it later.

As an immortal vampire, that was tough. What was he there to do all day? Living for so long, yet never finding anything that he loved. Even the blood he drank came from containers that he bought. Because, although not many people knew vampires existed, some did. The people who did set up an organization where vampires could purchase blood. Vampires lived secretly, hiding who they were and living dull lives. That way, humans wouldn't be attacked by vampires, or be in danger of getting too much of their blood drained.

But, that was too boring for Kei. The blood he bought was too bland, tasteless, and just enough to get by. He wanted something more. Something exhilarating. And he didn't care what others thought.

That's why, he began sneaking up on people and drinking their blood. He wouldn't get caught, and he didn't care if he got caught. Although their blood tasted better than what he bought, it still wasn't enough. It was not enough to fill the emptiness. He wondered if he would ever fill that emptiness until he met you.

One day, Kei was wondering what to do as he was slowly walking on the sidewalk. Passing others by, he suddenly passed by an interesting smell. Stopping, Kei looked around to smell where that scent was coming from. He figured out which direction it was coming from, and began walking towards it. The smell got stronger and stronger, and his desire grew more and more.

This smell....it's intoxicating!

For once, Kei felt like he wanted something, like he needed something. Running towards the smell, he spotted a human. You.

That's where that smell is coming from? Ah, it's so nice, how could a human smell that good? If he smells that good then...

You went near an alley, and he took that chance to go in it. He quickly grabbed your hand and dragged you in. Before you could process what was happening, he was behind you and bit your neck.


Delicious! It was the best blood he ever tasted, so sweet, so wonderful, exactly what he wanted and always dreamed of.

Grabbing your chin, he tilted it so he could drink more. Red, luscious blood trickled down your neck and he licked every single drop.

I want more, I need more!

Although he didn't drink enough blood to cause danger to you, you ended up fainting. He caught you in his arms, smiling widely.

This human...is mine. Looks like I've finally found something interesting...

Carrying you to his house, he laid you down on his bed. Admiring you, he gently touched your face and moved your bangs. He smelled you some more, and realized that your smell was one he couldn't live without anymore. He wanted you, he needed you.

I'm so happy...From now on, we'll always be together. Forever and ever...

Yandere Vampire Male x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now