Chapter 3 (Smut)

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It's been a couple of weeks since I met the boys and things have been moving forward with me and Zach. It was may 27th, his birthday. And we were hanging out in his room while his band mates went shopping for birthday presents. We were lying on the pillows staring at the ceiling.
"So how's your birthday going so far?" I asked
" Great! They made me breakfast so that was cool."
" Do you know what you want for your birthday?"
"Well I had one thing in mind.."
"What was it?"
Did I just hear correctly
Did Zach Herron just say he wanted ME for his birthday??
"What?" I squeaked.
He quickly rolled on top of me and pinned my arms beside my head and I let out a surprised yelp.
"If you'll let me, I'd really like to"
"Like to what..?" I said wondering how far he was going worth this
"Fuck" he whispered in the shell of my ear while he grinded down and I could feel how hard he was.
"Oh oka-" I got cut off as I got a mouthful of Zach lips. It was a innocent kiss that turned into something more heated as his tongue asked for entrance in my mouth. I moaned into the kiss and I felt him get harder as his hand slid up the side of my shirt. He broke the kiss to take it off along with his.

I reached down to undo his belt and pulled back when I got to the button.
"Zach, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Aren't I supposed to be asking that?" He said with a husky chuckle. " Yes I want to do this. More than anything."
Well that sealed it.
He shucked off his pants and I pulled off my leggings. He sat back on the bed and pulled me on to him to straddle him. He pressed his lips to mine once again as he undid my bra and put me on my back in the bed.
"So beautiful..." he murmured.
He reached in his bedside drawer to pull out a box of condoms.
" Stole these from Jonah. Only a couple left from his ex." He chuckled.
He pulled his briefs down and slid the condom on. Then he moved to me and pulled my panties down. When I was completely naked, he took a deep breath as he scanned my body. I fought a blush from my cheeks.
"Are you ready?" He asked, knowing it would be more painful for me, being our first times
"Yes" I said and he slid in until he bottomed out.
"Can I move?" He groaned
"Mhmm" I could barely talk
He slowly started thrusting
The pain was fading and it started to feel so good.
"Faster" I said
He started pounding into me and I screamed.
Right as he said that he hit my g-spot and a came with a scream and clenched around him. He came right after me and spilled into the condom with a loud moan.
He collapsed next to me after he pulled out and tied the Condom up to throw in the trash.

We fell asleep with his arm around my waist and my face tucked into his chest.

Jacks point of view
"Hey Zach happy birth-"
What the fuck is Caroline doing sleeping in Zach's bed?

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