Chapter four

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Carolines pov
I awoke to see Jack standing in the doorway with his mouth hanging open and a shocked look on his face
"Baby go back to sleep" Zach said as he pulled me closer to him.
"Zach no wake up" I shook him awake while hiding under the blankets not wanting Jack to see everything.
Zach looked up to see Jack still staring at us.
"Jack you can't tell anyone" Zach said
"Bro it's not like I can't. The boys are like our brothers"
" Let is tell them on our own. Please."
" Fine, but were you safe bro?"
"Oh my god yes Jack leave"
Jack shook his head laughing and left the room.
We heard the other three boys come through the front door. Jack must've gotten here before them.
"Sounds like they're in the living room we should leave one at a time."
"Ok" I said and started to get dressed.
I left first and sat down on one of the other couches next to the boys watching a movie.
Zach came in five minutes later and sat near me.
"Soooo what did you guys do while we were gone?" Corbyn asked with a curious tone
"Uh we just talked" Zach said as he scratched his head
"Since when does 'just talking' involve your hair to be so messed up, Zach?" Daniel said with a chuckle. I saw Zach mouth 'shit' and he quickly fixed his hair. After he fixed his hair he stretched and his shirt rode up a bit.
Oh no
"Zach why are there scratches in your back?" Jonah said "seriously what have you been doing?"
"Oh i fell against a tree no big deal" he said, then hit himself in the head for saying something so stupid.
"Caroline your lip is bleeding" Daniel said
"Oh must've bit it too hard oops" this is not going well.
I looked over to Corbyn looking at us with a confused look and then it looked like a lightbulb went off in his head.
" no way," he said " you guys fucked"
"No we didn't" Zach and I said at the same time
"But look at Caroline's nails they're long could've definitely been the reason why Zach has those scratches!" Jonah said
"And look you both have hickies!" They all said
" um I fell..?" I tried
" Zach and Caroline just tell them" Jack said finally looking up from his phone.
I guess he finally decided to talk.
"They did! Wait you knew?" Corbyn asked Jack
"Yeah, I walked in on the aftermath of their 'affair'" Jack said with a smirk
Zach got up and sat next to me, putting an arm around me and pulling me to lay on him.
" well I support this relationship, I don't know about you guys but I think they're good together" Daniel said making a heart with his hands and putting us in the middle.
"I hate you all" Zach said, but laughed anyway.
That night I was heading home when Zach stopped me at the door.
" Hey I was wondering if you wanted to stay the night. It's already pretty late."
"Oh sure" I said and he led me back to his room. I didn't have any pajamas so he let me borrow one of his t shirts to sleep in. I put one on and he gave me a once over.
" You look so sexy in my clothes baby" he said as he leaned his forehead on mine.
I blushed and he led me to bed. I lied down and he did behind me, sneaking an arm around my waste and kissing the back of my head.
"Goodnight baby"
"Goodnight Zach" 

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