Chapter 33

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A/N Should I include the other boys more? Have more drama in their life too?

Zach's Pov

We were driving to the destination that son of a bitch told us to be at and I felt like I was ready for anything.

None of us talked on the way there. We were all unsure of what we were going to have to do.

It took awhile, but eventually we arrived.

We all got out of the car to be standing in front of a huge mansion.

It looked like it had about four stories. It was white and there were only a couple of windows.

Everyone walked to the door, unsure of why he was here. Jack knocked in the door and I heard footsteps coming towards us soon after.

The door swung open for us to find a middle aged man wearing an expensive suit.

"We were wondering when you would arrive. Come in." He said motioning us in.

Who the fuck is we??

Corbyn and I glanced at each other and I could tell he was as confused as I was.

He led us up to the second floor and into a giant office.

Right in the middle, was a huge desk and a black chair with its back towards us.

As if in a movie, it slowly turned to show Caroline's Dad, smiling like a mad man.

"Ah, Welcome." He said opening up his arms.
"I'm sure you have lots of questions, and they will be answered, but for now, let me introduce you to my lovely house."

HIS house?? Are you kidding me? How could a drunk old man afford this?

My question was soon answered after he saw the looks in our faces.

"See, I never actually quit my job. I just said I did. You see, I wanted all the money so I pretended to go to bars all day and acted drunk when I got home. "

"How are you even here? You're supposed to be in jail." Corbyn snapped

"Those cops were paid off and sent on their way. People will do anything for money." He said evilly.

"You sick ma-" Jonah started.

"Shushh. Child you would not understand. The only reason you are here is for your friend."

"Where. Is. She." I said

"Ah! I was wondering when that would be asked. Follow me."

He took us up to the top floor and led us into a room.

He turned on the light and there she was.

It looked like a glass cage. She was in there with one single blanket on the cold hard ground. All the color was drained from her face and there were bags under her eyes. She was sleeping, but not well.

I rushed towards her and banged on the glass. She looked up and saw me and I saw hope in her eyes. The hope was soon drained as she tried to run towards me, only to be retrained by chains connected to her wrists.

I immediately turned towards her father and started running towards him. I was pulled back by the boys as Daniel whispered in my ear.

"Don't. There are seven guys that could easily take us down behind you."

I struggled against them, but gave up when I found out what they said was true.

"I'll give you a minute alone. Come on boys." He gestured for the servants to follow.

"Yes , Mr.Knight." They answered.

As soon as they left the room I rushed to glass to talk to her.

"Are you okay?? What did he do? How do you leave?"

"I'm okay. I don't really know I just woke up here."

We continued talking and I realized why she didn't answer the third question.

It was because she didn't believe she would be able to.

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