Chapter 34

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A/N Hey guys! I'll be answering personal questions you guys ask in the next chapter so comment questions below!

Zach's Pov

I wasn't going to let Caroline go. There was no way I was leaving without her.

Her dad came back into the room and looked at us expectantly.

"What do you want from me." I asked.

"That's the question, isn't it?" He said slowly pacing around me. "It's more of what you can do for me."


"You see, none of us are really that young anymore. We need a new way to get some cash. And you, just happen to be a worldwide famous Pop star."

"What the fuck do you want from him?" Jack said, stepping forward.

"I want you and your little "band mates" to work for me."

"No way." Daniel said.

"Then say goodbye to precious Carolin-"

"We'll do it." I said, looking down.

"Have you lost your goddamn mind?!?" Corbyn yelled.

"I lost her once. I'm not losing her again."

The boys all looked down, realizing what is was going to be like working for this man.

I about lost all hope when an Idea popped into my head.

The men didn't take our phones.

How stupid of them. They made a big mistake.

"Uh, can I use the bathroom?" I asked

One of the men nodded and led me to a room, where I quickly locked the door and got to the furthest corner to call 911

I explained what was happening and they said they would be here asap.

I walked casually out of the bathroom and back to the room where Caroline was, asleep in her "cage"

Seconds after, I heard sirens. The men all looked around in panic and tried to hide, but it was too late. Police started sprinting up the stairs and pointing guns at the men.

Caroline's dad reached into his pocket to pull his own gun, but the cop was too fast and shot him in the head.

It was done.

He was dead.

Our secret// Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now