Chapter 26

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Don't worry @WDW_lovejonah something will happen that stops it...

"Um what?" Is all I could say

"You're coming home. You don't have a choice." My brother said already grabbing my arm.

"What?!? No! I'm 19 I don't have to do anything!" I said pulling my arm away from him.

"Mother wants you back. Our family needs you."

Zach decided to cut in then.

"Who the fuck are you bro?"

"I could ask the same thing." My brother said crossing his arms.

"I'm her boyfriend. Who are you?"

"Jordan, her brother."

"Let her stay then. She doesn't have to listen to you."

"Caroline please you need to come home." Jordan said looking at me.

"You don't understand. I have a singing career here! I'm not five and I won't do whatever you say anymore!" I yelled back

" Father has come back." He said looking down

"Don't call him that." I said " He never has and never will deserve that title."

The boys were all looking at us with confused glances. They never had heard anything about my family and this is why.

"He's doing it again to mother." He said voice shaking.

"Don't call that her that either! You know what she did after the poor excuse of a man left! I'm not going back. Never. I came here to escape that hell hole."


"No. Leave." I said not being able to take it anymore. All the memories came flooding back and tears started streaming down my face.

"I'm in the hotel a couple minutes away. I leave tomorrow. Come if you change your mind." He got in his car and left.

Right as he left, the memories overtook me and I collapsed, the last thing I heard was Zach's frantic screaming as I fell out of consciousness.

Our secret// Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now