Chapter 12

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As soon as I got home I ran to the boys' house and rang the doorbell. Zach answered and I immediately jumped into his arms.

"They excepted me! Stars singing company are gonna make me famous!"

"That's great baby." Zach said

I really think this relationship will work out so I didn't tell him about what Mr.Hillen said.

"We have to go celebrate!" He said dragging me out to the car.

We ended up at some fancy restaurant and took our sweet time, enjoying being together.
When we got back, Zach started playing XBox with the boys and Jonah pulled me aside.

"Hey what's up?" I asked

"Um I think it's finally time to tell you.."

What is going on

"Um well the reason that when we first met I acted so distant and I still sorta do is because,uh, you remind me of my ex."

I had no clue what I was supposed to say to that.

"I'm sorry I know this sounds weird, but she had the same name as you. Same eyes, same hair,"

He took a few steps forward leaning into my space.

"Um jonah-" I said backing up.
He matched my steps until my back thudded on the wall behind me.

"Same lips..." he said leaning in

Right as I was trying to push him away I heard footsteps

"What. The. Fuck."

I looked up to see Zach staring at me and then at Jonah with so much rage, it looked like he was going to kill him.

He probably was.

Zach took one fast step and quickly punched Jonah in the face.

"What the fuck man" Jonah said, rubbing his nose.

"Are you serious?" Zach seethed. " you can't just kiss my girl anytime you want. You deserved that!"

"Alright everyone just calm dow-" I started but cut of as Zach glared at me.

"No. You're just as at fault as he is. You let it happen!"

"No! Zach, you don't understand-"

"Stop. I'm done. Kiss whoever you want."

He shook his head and left.
Come back...

"I'm gonna fix this" Jonah said, running after him.

I leaned against the wall and slid down it, sighing. I put my head on my knees and waited for them to come back. This was our first fight. And it wasn't even my fault! I let the frustrated tears fall out of my eyes, not caring anymore.

Ten minutes later, I felt someone sit beside me.
I didn't look up.

"Hey. Jonah told me everything. I'm so sorry baby."

I looked up finally letting him see my red brimmed eyes and his face fell.

"You didn't even let me explain myself." I said sadly

"I know and I'm so sorry. I was so mad from seeing his hands on you, I just couldn't control myself."

"See the thing that hurt the most, is that you actually thought I would do something like that."

"No, baby I never-"

"I just think we need a break for a night. I'm gonna head back to my house." I said, getting up.

"No please-"

"Goodnight, Zach"

I left and walked back to my house. I showered and got dressed for bed.

The bed was cold without him.

Our secret// Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now