Chapter 8- Zach's day

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I got a text the night before texting me to come over at 11:00 AM. Boy was I happy I got to sleep in! I chose a shirt of Zach's that I still had and paired it with ripped jean shorts, brown boots, and bralette.
I walked over to the boy's house and rang the doorbell. Corbyn answered.
"He's in his room" I walked to Zach's room and closed the door behind me. The room was completely dark and I couldn't see anything.
"..Zach?" I said hesitantly
My back slammed against the door as my arms were pinned by my head.
"You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you right now." He whispered in my ear . I was about to ask why, but then remembered the competition's rules restricted him from doing so.
He reached to turn on the light behind me while he nipped at my ear and I let out a soft moan. The light showed the lust in his brown eyes making them even darker than usual.
"Don't make those sounds when I can't do anything about it, C"  he said, his voice straining
He took a few steps back and gave me a once over. His eyes stopped at my chest, wearing the bralette outlined the shape of my nipples. On top of that, I was wearing his shirt. He licked his lips.
"How can someone look this gorgeous?" He asked.
A blush crept up my cheeks. I couldn't kiss him so I wrapped my arms around his back and buried my face into his chest. We got lunch from postmates and started driving to wherever he was taking me. He kept one hand on my thigh the entire drive.
Turns out, he was taking me to a carnival! We had so much fun and rode all of the rides. On the way back home he said he had one more surprise and that I had to close my eyes when we got to his house. When we got there, he blindfolded me and led me to the backyard.
I heard sizzling and wondered what it could be.
"Surprise!" he and his band mates yelled as he took of my blindfold and fireworks shot off from the ground.
"Woah" I said. They were so beautiful! Then the last one shot off and it burst into the shape of a heart.
"Zach.." I started
"You don't have to say anything but uh I think I'm in love with you. It would mean the world to me if you picked me over Charlotte"
"His name is Charlie, Zach" I said with a laugh
"Whatever he doesn't deserve you, hell, neither do I, but I can promise I would do everything in my power to make you the happiest girl on the planet."
After we said goodbye I walked back home and went to bed.
This was going to be harder than I thought

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