Chapter 10 (smut)

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I awoke in Zach's bed by being smothered with kisses and "happy birthdays"
"I got you the best gift..." he said
"Oh really? What is it?"
"You'll have to wait till tonight..."
Oh god
We walked out into the living room and all the boys ran over to hug me and say happy birthday. They led me to the kitchen where they had prepared breakfast. We ate and then they told me to sit down on the couch. They all brought presents out and I felt so lucky to have these boys a friends.
Corbyn,Jack,Daniel, and Jonah all gave me gift cards but when it got to Zach, He opened a small package and he gave me a ring pop while on one knee.
" I have a real one" he said laughing
He pulled out a black, velvet, rectangular box and opened it.
Inside was a emerald necklace. It was beautiful.
"Wow, Zach this is so pretty! I love it. Thank you so much" I said as I launched myself at him and hugged him tight.
"You're welcome" he laughed
"Just wait till tonight.."he whispered in my ear and I shivered.
We went out to a birthday dinner later in the day and when we got home Zach led me to his room. He locked the door behind us and lied me on the bed.
"Tonight is about you, C. I have a few ideas...but, uh if you wanna try something we can do it." He stuttered
"Well I do love surprises so you choose I guess" I shrugged.
"Hell yes!" He said "you're gonna enjoy this so much baby"
He told me to take off all of my clothes and lay on the bed.
" ok so I'm going to put a blindfold on you know ok?" He said
He tied the blindfold around my eyes and then starting tying my hands and feet to the bed.
I tugged against them seeing if they would stay.
They did.
Oh man.
"Are you ready baby?" He asked
"Yes, Zach"
"Call me daddy" he whispered in my ear.
I flinched, not expecting it.
I felt something wet up against my entrance and realization hit me.
He was eating me out.
His tongue was teasing the folds and I let out a soft moan.
It felt so good
He started sucking my clit and my thighs clenched
"Daddy please need more"
"Ok baby"
I felt a finger prodding at my entrance and then two as he started to scissor me.
He added a third finger and my back arched as I came.
"Are you ready for more babe?" Asked Zach
"Mhmm" I said still coming down from my high.
I heard a wrapper being pulled open and Zach quickly slid in.
He started shallowly thrusting while whispering in my ear.
"I'll make you come again and again and again until you can't take it anymore"
that made my heart beat faster and a moan escaped my lips.
He started pounding into me and with every thrust I let out a high pitch moan.
"Fuck you until you can't walk" he said while rubbing my clit fast.
I couldn't take it anymore I let out a sob as I came hard as did he not so far behind me. He undid my ropes and blindfold and took me to his bathroom. We had an innocent shower and then collapsed into bed. He pulled me into his chest.
"Happy birthday. I love you" he said
"I love you too" I yawned
A knock sounded on our door and Corbyn poked his head through.
"Hey next time you guys fuck can you tell us so we don't have to hear it?"
Oh shit

Our secret// Zach Herron Where stories live. Discover now