Chapter 8

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"The Lord was right... they are indeed up to something" said the silver haired man, watching men carrying boxes and  coming in and out of the main building where Stoker's party would be hosted.

The young men where standing on top of the tallest building opposite the main building, the violent winds slapped their long capes and shook their hair.
Both men were suddenly startled noticing a shadow appearing beside them.

"Off you go, to confirm the Lord's doubts" Said the shadowy figure.

"Rayga, isn't this too easy for a first mission ?" called a voice from behind, someone else joined the young men on top of building.

Through decisive footsteps the figure walked forward.

"The Lord was very clear about his orders, Urokai" said Rayga looking forward.

"You should at least let them kill some of the resistance, one or two, not too many. Or are you being too lenient because this is your son's first mission?" Barked Urokai, bursting into a deep trail of laughter.

"The Lord's orders were clear, Urokai, you should not endanger both Lazark and Russard on their first mission outside Lukedonia" glared Rayga before disappearing.

"Fine" muttered Urokai before jumping off to another roof top.

"We should also head back" said Lazark walking ahead of his partner.

"Lazark wait" said Russard kneeling and focusing on the rushing men down below.

Lazark nodded and followed Russard's lead and kneeled to observe the humans more closely. The men were now carrying bigger boxes, they all struggled and backed away from the covered boxes before rushing them all inside.

"Were you able to sense what those were?" Asked Russard turning to Lazark.

"Contractors" hissed Lazark.

They both got up and looked one last time towards the shut doors of the main building before they started running along the roof tops, unnoticed by anyone, their steps were light, and they moved swiftly cutting through the fog.

"Lazark" said Russard, coming closer to his partner.

"Hmm?" Responded Lazark, before taking a turn, to where Russard followed.

"Seira..." He said, his face breaking into a smile "She started walking."

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