"Lizzy" //Ciel x Reader//

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Lizzy is mad at you because Ciel called the engadement off so he could be with you and not make you feel uncomfortable.

Takes Place;

Not a certain season 


None expect small cussing


you sat outside the Phantomhive manor, you just needed some fresh air. Well actually to get away from Ciel's over-joy ex-fiancée, she kept throwing hidden insults at you when Ciel left or when no one was in the room. She was only here because Ciel still promised her she could come and stay for as long as she wanted, he just loved (YourName).

Outside was your only escape, Lizzy wouldn't follow because it was a way of getting 'alone time' with Ciel. You trusted Ciel, trusted him enough not to go back to his ex at least. Don't get me wrong, Lizzy is a sweet girl but sometimes she lets her jealousy get the best of her. When she didn't really care in the beginning she always talked about you and Ciel's future wedding. But as time went on she slowly become more jealous, to the point she started to try and start a fight when Ciel wasn't around.

You sat on the steps and held your head. "M'lady?" you herd a smooth voice from behind say, you turned around only to see Ciel's butler; Sebastian. "O-Oh!" you said getting up quickly flatting your dress skirt and dusting the dirt that got on it off. "Yes Sebastian? Do you need anything?" You added, "Yes..Ciel ordered you in his study. I came to tell you." Sebastian said giving you an innocent smile, you nodded and walked passed him at a kind of slow speed. You weren't really ready to see why he needed to talk to you.

You felt like a little kid being told on, and your parent (or parents) called you over and you could tell you're mad. You where just nervous, did Lizzy lie? Are you in trouble now? What did you do now? 

You walked into Ciel's study and sat down. Funny, Lizzy wasn't there.

When you sat down, Ciel took note that you where shaking. He knew something was up, "So..What has been going on between you and Liz-" Ciel was cut off by you slamming your hands on his desk; "I SWEAR IT WAS ALL HER! I NEVER FOUGHT BACK! SHE STARTED IT, SHE YELLED AT ME FOR NOTHING! SHE MISSES YOU! SHE'S JEALOUS! J-JUST PLEASE DON'T LEAve meee!" you dragged out the 'e' at the end, crying your eyes out losing your breath as you clung to his arm. Ciel's expression changed from serious to worried. 

He felt your grip on his arm weaken as you set your head on his desk. By now you had you whole waist up on his desk just laying there crying. Ciel pat your head in an attempt of comfort. He had no idea about the bullshit Lizzy has been giving you lately expect reports from may-rin, Finny, or Bard. Ciel never believed them because Lizzy was such a sweetheart since he broke the news that he was going to call of the marriage. 

Hearing all this from his (Y/N) got him. He was definitely going to have a word with Lizzy. He let (Y/N) sit in his lap, normally when she gets upset and cries she sits in his lap and soon enough takes a nap. 

Soon enough she fell asleep and Sebastian came and put her in Ciel's room. After that Lizzy walked in the study, Ciel told her to sit and comforted her about her attitude when he wasn't around, just like (Y/N) she confessed on how she was jealous and just wanted him back and the only way she could think of a way was to scare or slowly force (Y/N) away from him. Ciel was of course disappointed and sent her home.

Ciel retired to his room only to see you where already changed into your night clothing asleep once again. Ciel smiled to himself and changed and laid next to you and let you snuggled his back.

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