"Spiders" // Claude x Reader//

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Ever since you where a little girl you had a weird obsession, an obsession most young ladies and little girls didn't have; Spiders. Meeting and working with Earl Trancy you got to meet Spiderman himself; Claude Faustus the 1800s Spiderman Demon.

Takes Place;

Black Butler II




Ever since you where young you always found yourself looking and holding spiders. Your parents always found it weird but they where happy to have someone pick up and bring spiders outside, due to spiders having eight legs, four eyes, and just creeped out every servant in your manor; everyone was afraid of them...except you of course.

You use to name each one you found, some how you could always tell the difference. You knew every single type of spider breed that was out there. You knew which type to mess with and which type to keep your distance and be gentle with. You where pretty much the expert when it came to these eight legged creepy crawlers.

You where now twenty, you had a son that was just recently born yet that didn't keep you away from your work and your love for spiders. You kept all spiders away from your newborn son, just if something happens she knows it wasn't one of them. 

Today was the day you where to leave your son for the first time since he was born and go to a different manor. The Queen gave you a request to go to the Trancy Manor and make sure Earl Trancy was doing fine. You happily accepted that request, not because it was from the Queen- it was because the Trancy Manor had so many types of spiders.

You fed your son then gently handed him to a trusted servant before leaving. After you left you knew this would be the best day, not because you're leaving the house for the first time since your son born- even though that was one of the reasons- no the real reason was the spiders. You couldn't wait to meet the Spider Master himself.

Claude Faustus.

You herd so much about the creepy butler, one of the many things that got you was; every where he went spiders where some how there. You wanted to test this. You knew about him being a demon because you came in contact with so many of them most the time they tried to make a contract with you. They all never succeeded; you wanted a free life.

Once you got to the Trancy Manor, the carriage-man helped you out. You gave him a tip and walked up to the door, you knocked about three times. A demon with purple hair opened the door and gave you a warm smile; she let you in and walked you to the Earl's study. Before the purple-haired girl could even knock a butler opened the door.

The butler had glasses, golden eyes, and blackish brownish hair. It had to be him. You smiled at you and let you in, once you sat down in front of Earl Trancy you went over the stupid basics of how your manor should be, leaving out the rule about 'no spiders'. Now that would just be wrong.

"Claude I order you to show this woman around..Make sure she observes good and well so I can pass..." Earl Trancy said, Claude nodded and took your hand and led you out. You and Claude walked around the Manor; this one was big..but not as big as the Phantomhive Manor. 

While roaming around you found an empty room, you walked in loosing Claude who just kept walking. When you walked in you saw a few spiders, you gasped and smiled walking up to them but keeping a distance so you didn't scare them. You felt a warm hand on your shoulder which made you jump a bit, but not enough to scare the 'adorable'- not really- eight legged bug. 

"You seemed to be entertained by spiders.." you herd Claude say, you just nodded. "I always played with spiders ever since I was a little kid.." you explained with a smile, you always loved talking about your spider filled childhood. "Ah..Don't you have a son..?" Claude asked, you sighed and nodded once again "Yes..But his father just left us before I gave birth to him, we don't know why but things happen for reasons..It might be because of the whole spider thing.." you explained. You missed your lover but your love for your son and spiders will always overcome that.

Claude chuckled, "Not a lot of people accept spiders, you are one special lady..picking them up letting them crawl on you..not a lot of people let that happen.." Claude said taking your gloved hand and kissing it. You blushed, this was Claude the Spider whisper pretty much; you would be lying if you said you didn't have a small crush on the man. 

Claude then leaned down and closer to your ear; "After the Highness goes to bed, I'll gladly come over..". Your face was beat red, you just nodded. Hopefully you could get your son to bed tonight, and hopefully he won't cling to you all night. You just want to get to know Claude.

Maybe he could be your Son's new father..



I'm so sorry for not updating for about a month, I didn't really have anything in mind. But I did made a Alois x Reader. It took two weeks to write and I published it all at once so I hope people enjoy it-

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