"Trick Or Treating" // Ciel x Reader

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Ciel helps his girlfriend take her child tick or treating~


Moderen AU // Ciel is more older then just 15- duh-




You smiled at your five-year-old son, he begged and begged for the past two weeks that your boyfriend- Ciel Phantomhive- join you guys in Trick-or-Treating this year. You then had to beg and beg Ciel to join which he finally gave in and now he'll be here any moment. Your son- Finnian, or Finny for short- dressed up as a vampire talking about how candy is the only thing he can survive on, not blood!

Soon you heard the front door open and shut then a faint 'I'm here'. Finny dashed for the door you followed behind walking, you found Finny dive head first into a hug. Ciel of course flinched since the impact was rough but he hugged back, he grew to love Finny. He was around for this child's brith and since he was about tree; (YourName) and Ciel began to date.

"Momma said you're coming with us this year! Is it true?! Is it true!?" Finnian repeated, "Of course I am, I wouldn't have came over if I wasn't.." Ciel said getting down to the boy's level and fixing his cape that got kind of lopsided when he dived into the hug. Finny only chuckled and grabbed his hand and walked into the dinning room- which where you were watching from the door frame.

Once Finny 'dragged' Ciel in, Finny went off to grab something leaving the two adults alone. Ciel hugged (YourName) and held her for a moment before the shared a quick kiss and then went back to the hug, they stood in silence until they heard the small feet running down the steps. After Finny showed Ciel the drawing he wanted to share oh so much, they went out and began their trick-or-treat adventure!

Ciel and (YourName) held Finny's hand for the first half, that was until they actually started running into houses that were passing candy out. Ciel would sometimes go up with Finnian while (YourName) stood back and warmed up using Ciel's jacket that he gave to her to keep warm. Others (YourName) went with Finny.

It was a fun night, staying out until about eight. They went to three neighborhoods; (YourName)'s, Ciel's, and then a friend of (YourName)'s neighborhood. By the time trick-or-treating was ending, Finny was out. While you carried the boy inside, Ciel held the bags..yes BAGS of candy the boy earned through out the night. After (YourName) put him to sleep, she retuned the living room.

They sorted the candy out, taking out the things Finny couldn't have, then for the fun of it; sorted it out by pastel, bright, or dull colored packaging. After that, they laid on the couch; watching movies.

(YourName) laid on Ciel's chest, facing towards the TV as she watched the movie, Ciel was also watching but he was also playing with your hair. Something that always fascinated him; your hair. He loved how it would just flow right in-between his fingers, and how you could style it differently every now and then, how it would've been made for you.

Soon after the forth movie, Ciel felt your breathing slow into a smoothing pace, and the soft snores you produced. He chuckled and moved the blanket more on top of you two and fell asleep himself after turning the TV off.

The next morning you both were woken by small shaking, once Ciel opened his eye he saw it was Finnian. Somehow and gently he got up without waking up and laid you down on the couch, he made breakfast for you, Finnian, and himself. After Finny ate and ran off to get ready for school, he woke you up. "I'm taking Finnian to school.." Ciel said, he then said food was on the table. You just nodded and stretched.

As Ciel walked out, you gave Finny a kiss on the forehead and then went to eat. After Ciel returned you guys went back to hugging, kissing, and cuddling.

Maybe you should ask Ciel to join in on Trick-or-Treating for now on.

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