"His Worries" // Alois x Bipolar! Reader // Request (007)

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Requested by;

@K_Mooney on January 17th, 2019


Alois expresses his worry for his fiancée, her reaction leads to him having to be careful of his actions.


As I write this I'm reading up on the illness itself, so if things seem to shift quickly it's because I learned something on the illness that's important!!


Basic-like research on the illness.

Edited by;



Alois sighed out, [YourName] just wouldn't stop cleaning. Cleaning what? Everything, everything was already clean enough! Hell, if something was to ever be dirty- Claude, Hannah, or the triplets would've gotten it done but of course [YourName] had to just 'make sure' about it. This has been going on for months on end, as much as Alois loves his fiancée, it's becoming much. She could just be sitting with him drinking tea pleasantly... and the next thing you know, she's getting beyond pissed about something then a second later downright sobbing. She can't seem to sit still for longer than a handful amount of hours- so she has to be cleaning.

[YourFullName] met Alois Trancy when both of you were fifteen, and got engaged when you both were sixteen. After your seventeenth birthday, you moved into the Trancy manor, and now here you were at the age of eighteen scurrying around the manor in attempt to re-clean everything you swore up and down was dirty in some way he couldn't see.  After you felt a bit satisfied, you hurried upstairs into your fiancé's study where you knocked and were let in by Alois' voice, Alois couldn't help but smile softly when he saw you trot over and plop yourself into one of his chairs.

You gently brushed and dusted the chair off with your hands, Alois just put that aside since it's how you've been feeling currently. Alois had to bring this situation up to you, since he was getting worried after all- he's scared you're going to back into your depressive mode if you cannot clean like how you have been recently. If you were to keep cleaning, the demons in the manor will become bored and scold you for doing their duties- and that's the last thing anyone needs. "Sweetie.." Alois began his sentence, turning his full body towards you, which in return you gave him your full attention. "I'm worried that, you know..after you're done cleaning that you may get upset.. I'd hate to see that happen again.." The blond finished in a soft voice as an attempt to show he wasn't upset or angered towards her.

But, your (EyeColor) eyes still watered up with tears- which freaked Alois out quite a bit. When you began to sob, Alois quickly made his way over to his fiancée to try and cheer her up. Yes, he has his own issues with handling his emotions at times, but they're not as bad as [YourName]'s could get. Some days, they're really easy to handle, while other days it's all over the place. No one could tell- while for Alois, it was pretty easy to see how his day was going to be. Maybe a switch flipped within Alois after he met [YourName], which made the male begin to take a better handle on his own emotions. Maybe seeing a girl who can't handle her mood swings, emotions, and desires really opened his eyes to more and helped him realize a few things.

Alois went to hug you, but you pushed him away- it wasn't rough push, just a little shove to give you space. Alois wasn't shocked of course, but he paused in his place. He watched as you quietly cried to yourself for a moment, he knew the motions by now- you wouldn't want help at first,  but within the first two minutes of crying you'll be begging for his touch. He couldn't help but give in to you, he felt bad, you can't help but act this way after all.

After a bit of waiting on his part, Alois gently got a soft hold on his fiancée's hands. He gently pressed a kiss onto them, her (EyeColor) eyes still full of tears he gently helps her out of the chair. Once off of the chair, Alois gently slides one hand down her arm, he felt her tense up slightly until he trailed his hand to her lower back. With this, he gently kissed her head and began leading her out of his study. [YourName]'s tears kept falling, for unknown reasons.

The walk to their unclear destination finally ended when they stopped in front of their shared bedroom. She looked up to her future husband, tilting her head, "wha.." fell out of her mouth without her control- Alois quickly shushed her with a 'shh' noise, opening the bedroom door and leading her into the room. Shutting the door behind them, he finished his leading once they got to their bed.

Alois could only chuckle when he crawled into bed, he gently tugged [YourName] with him as well. At first the girl was confused, until Alois brought her into a close embrace. "I'm sorry my love, I didn't mean to make you cry.." Alois began quietly, by now, your face was tear stained and eyes just glossy from leftover tears. "I know you can't help but act the way you do, or control your emotions...I'm sorry I triggered you.." Alois said soothingly, gently rubbing [YourName]'s (SkinColor) cheeks that slightly were puffed out from silently crying. Seeing his future wife's face flustered.. caused the blond to laugh a bit.

[YourName] gently hit his arm, but quickly snuggled closer into his hold. This made Alois smile, as he gently kissed her head, holding her closer to him. This is the type of ritual he could get used to. He was really testing the waters leading her to their bedroom with no talking, but he's glad she was more calm about it than he expected her to be. "I just worry for you, I love you so much.. I don't want see you in a depressive state, and I'll do anything to make sure you're happy. Alright..?" Alois said quietly  yet loud enough so the girl could hear him. All [YourName] could do is nod, understanding completely, or at least mostly.


Omg this was shit, but shoutout to sinisterme- for giving me the idea on how to end/wrap up this oneshot. I wanna say sorry to the requester if this sucked actual ass ! I hope if you ask for another request it'll be better next time idk why I didn't think of anything good for this :')

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