"Spoke Truthfully" // Ciel x Bipolar!Reader // Request (009)

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Requested by;
@LunaAcerman on January 28th, 2019

Ciel gets a look into [YourName]'s illness after he spoke a bit too truthfully...

I'm taking my knowledge from my last Bipolar!Reader request ;;

Basic research of the illness requested

Edited by:
Rachel, a close real life friend uwu


Non-humid, warm days in spring were quite rare in England, so whenever it's warm and not humid Ciel secretly enjoys going out more. He had a few errands to run with Sebastian and thought his fiancée, [YourFullName]'s company would make it ten times more enjoyable. You were the daughter of a highly respected noble family, and you and Ciel met during a ball held at your home. Ciel couldn't wrap it around his matured brain why he felt so attracted to you, he already had Elizabeth to be bounded by his side for the rest of his life- why would he want to change that?

For that exact reason he talked to Elizabeth about the issue at hand. Elizabeth already knew you- in fact, she saw you as one of her closest friends, so hearing about Ciel having an attraction to you of course made her rack her brain for answers. It's probably the way you talk, or it could be the way you think out situations before going through with them. Either way, Elizabeth was beyond happy for Ciel and told him to shoot his shot. The engagement between them was active until you agreed to be courted by Ciel. As soon as that courtship happened the engagement between Ciel and his cousin was over.

Now, back to where we were. Ciel invited [YourName] out to run errands with him. She's done this many times before- but this would be the first time she would leave the house while in a manic state, all times before this she was able to not be over the top with energy or drowsiness. Her illness was something she never wanted to show Ciel. Her father and her mother warned him though many times before he courted and asked her hand in marriage that she indeed has the newly named mental illness; Bipolar Disorder. Ciel always thought they were being over dramatic since [YourName] and himself were merely teenagers and it could just be hormones, but then again they are around her more than he is.

When [YourName] entered the carriage he almost immediately took note of her high energy: she was bouncing in her place and talking up quite the storm, when usually she would have quiet, casual talk and look out the window. Ciel brushed it off completely forgetting the numerous warnings her parents gave him for months on end. When they actually got into town and started running the errands that needed to be done Ciel got more of a look into what [YourName]'s hyper manic episodes look like without even understanding that she's going through them.

It wasn't until they stopped to eat when Ciel realized he had crossed a line, all throughout their into town trip he's made small little remarks but kept them to himself. He took note to how talkative, clingy, and how you had the need touch everything, it reminded him of his time with Elizabeth. Quite the scare it was, so for lunch they went to a small café to talk and sort things out on what left there was to get before they could return to each others manors. 

"I say, [YourName], you've been acting a bit different today then usual.." Ciel says speaking truthfully, you paused from taking a bite of your food. "I'm... acting different? Is that bad?" The (HairColor) haired female asked. Worry filled her words, it felt as if her world crashed down a bit- the love of her life just claimed she was acting different? Was he gonna end things over this? Over dramatic and jumping to conclusions was all she could do in her brain. "Well..I don't know, you seem to be acting more like Elizabeth today, with all the hopping, clinging, and chatting.." Ciel said not even giving her tone of voice a second thought, a habit he has.

"Oh, well I apologize for that-" [YourName] said before glancing down at her food. Was she truly acting like Elizabeth? She couldn't tell, to her everything she's done is something she normally would do, was it her mental issue acting up again? The poor girl was confused, so confused she was no longer hungry and not in the brightest of moods like she had been all day.

After the small lunch break, Ciel, [YourName], and Sebastian finished up the errands that needed to be done before they gave [YourName] her carriage ride home. The ride home was much more quiet than the ride into town, Ciel casually brushed it off as you were just tired. The errands took a bit out of him too, there was a lot of walking around, looking at things, reading, and double checking things. When you were dropped off you gave Ciel a small wave before Sebastian helped you out and a house servant walked you to the door.

The week went on, and as it did Ciel felt off. He felt like he said something wrong to his beloved, he felt so bad that he chose to visit your manor to do an in-person check. When he arrived he was greeted by your mother, he was slightly confused due to that- normally it's you and a trusted servant that opens the door and greets him. Perhaps it's due to the fact you didn't know he was coming?

"I apologize, Ciel. It seems that my dear daughter is having an episode..I don't know if she's available for a visit yet.." [YourName]'s mother explains briefly, "An episode? What is that suppose to mean.." Ciel questions out loud but mostly to himself. "My husband and I warned you many times before you began courting our daughter that she has the Bipolar Disorder. She's going through an episode." [YourName]'s mother spoke with a bit of an annoyed tone, how many times has she told this boy about this issue? Did he really forget?

Yes, Ciel did. "Oh..may I try and speak to her then? If she doesn't want me around then I'll take my leave.." Ciel says hesitantly, he's now clearly stepped over a few giant lines- so he has to make sure he's extra careful with this one. The older looking woman gave Ciel a hard look before sighing out and agreeing to his visit. Ciel quickly made his way to [YourName]'s room where she lay wrapped in her covers. She basically was a ball of blankets and in the middle was a human going through a depressive episode.

Ciel only sighed, knocked on the door, and walked over to the bedside where [YourName] lay. "[YourName], love, I need you to speak to me.." He says, getting on his knees and looking at the sad girl. All [YourName] did was give him a look before trying to turn around. "No, please don't ignore me, I want to help.." the blue-ish black-ish haired teen said, making the female stop what she was attempting to do. 

"What's the matter?" He says softly, reaching out to his fiancée to move messy, loose strands of hair out of her face. All [YourName] could do upon contact was cry. She felt so horrible, so drowsy, so tired, so upset. She just sat up which made Ciel stand up and move onto the bed where [YourName] hugged him and sobbed. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't know why I'm so upset, or why I act hyper, or why I do these things! I don't want to disappoint you, or make you think you're with Elizabeth! I'm so sorry!" You cried holding onto him tightly.

Was it what he said a few days ago at the café that caused you to go into this state? Ciel only shook his head before patting your back and holding you closer. "None of that is your fault, you can't control certain things and I need to understand that, alright? See, I said what I said since I thought you knew what you were doing, no ill intent to make you feel bad about yourself was there in those words. Know it's not your fault that you misunderstood either, I worded it wrong myself." Ciel said gently, and hesitantly; placing a kiss on [YourName]'s forehead.

All the (HairColor) haired, (EyeColor) beauty did was just hold onto Ciel a bit tighter, "It's alright," you said softly. You didn't want to move, nor did you want him to move, so you didn't. He sat there and held you until you felt comfortable once more. Anything to make his fiancée feel better.


Wowza Ciel is OOC!

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