"A Potion Mishap" // Ciel x Reader // Request (006)

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Requested By;

@Classykitty101 on December 28th, 2018


[YourName] tests out a potion unknowingly, doesn't turn out as their father hoped.


I don't know how this will go-


Honestly really none?

Edited By;



[YourName] [LastName], daughter of a Noble Woman Alexandra [LastName] and a Famous Scientist Emmett [LastName]. Your mother was close to Rachel and Angelina throughout their childhood, and as they grew up and got married to each of their suiters they learned to befriend each other husbands.

After [YourName] was born, the idea of Elizabeth and Ciel being engaged got scrapped. Although it would be nice to keep the company within the family, the fact [YourName] was about three years younger then Ciel helped with the choice. The younger his fiancée was, then the more it gives her to have an heir if their first born weren't suitable.

[YourName], Elizabeth, and Ciel grew up close, you three had a special bond that your mother had with Rachel and her sister. After the fire happened and it was reported that Ciel was nowhere where to be found, you and Elizabeth mourned together. You would spend days in your room, not moving much until Elizabeth visited, you were becoming more sad with every passing day. Although young, you were in love with Ciel as you should be.

When Ciel returned with a butler by his side, your young mind was at rest. Although the dark blue haired male now had a patch over his eye, seemed less dull and not himself, he was back. You and Elizabeth sobbed hugging him that day, you didn't want to leave his side. You wanted to hold him closer then you could, but that was impossible. When you left though, Ciel wiped your tears away and promised you nothing were to ever happen to him again.

For some odd reason it comforted you that night.

With that out the way, it leads up to now.

Your father was still on top of testing things, normally he had animals or dummies to test this stuff of, but for some odd reason he wanted to test this certain potion on his own daughter. He had to do it under his wife's nose because she would obviously not agree to it, but this potion was suppose to enhance hair growth. Why his own kid? Like stated before, unknown.

Alexandria was out for the day, and [YourName] and Emmett were to head to the Phantomhive manor to bond with Ciel and his servants. Kind of an odd doing but it made you happy and Emmett didn't want to be alone. Emmett snuck the potion into his bag before hurrying into the carriage with his fourteen-year-old daughter.

It was a decent ride, the weather wasn't gloomy, there weren't many bumps in the road, it was a good ride. Once at the manor, Sebastian helped [YourName] out- you had something you needed to show Finnian gardening wise before you went to see your Fiancé, so you went to do that. Your father's brilliant plan was to get Ciel to hand you the potion.

Emmett made his way up to the earl's study and knocked on the door, when he heard Ciel's voice invite him and walked in. "Well hello, Emmett. How can I help you?" Ciel greeted placing his pen down and folding his hands giving his attention to the adult male in front of him, Emmet nodded placing the potion down on his desk "I need you to somehow give this to [YourName]. It's a potion for hair growth, but if I were to give it to her myself she would reject knowing it's one of my experiments." the (HairColor) male explained.

The sixteen-year-old had nothing to say, he had no reason to reject this but also no reason to agree. "Well, I think your daughter's hair is perfect as it is, why would you want to try this on her?" Ciel asked, although this may seem like disrespect towards Emmet- he was looking after his Fiancée first. Emmett gave his reasoning, the potion was 100% safe, it grows hair at least an inch longer then it already is. Before Ciel could reject Emmett begged him to follow through.

Ciel knew this was poison, Emmett would never do that to his first born daughter, so he knew this wouldn't kill [YourName]. Ciel called Sebastian in to make tea for him and [YourName] but to replace her tea with the potion, after that [YourName] walked in.

The two were having great conversation, even when Sebastian served tea. You as a fourteen year old has grown quite, you had a perfect body shape and you've become more friendly, open, and you could read the room much more better then you could when you were eight. So when you finished your tea and heard Ciel going quite but focusing on you, you knew something was going on.

Then you got a bad headache which caused you to drop your teacup, you held your head in pain when Ciel rushed over to try his best to help you out. After five minutes of crying, Sebastian came in and did his best to help, and then twenty minutes of clutching onto Ciel's shoulders while he rubbing your temples and Sebastian kept a rag on your head. It wasn't until Sebastian saw something twitch upon your head that he gasped.

I mean, what else could get Sebastian so happy? It was cat ears! When Sebastian dropped the rag which caused a 'Sebastian you imbecile!' to fall out of Ciel's mouth, that he noticed what his butler was doing.

Oh dear god no. Ciel noticed the cat ears on your head, you began to feel your headache lift as Sebastian rubbed the cat ears on your head- the thing is you didn't even know you had them! It took a few moments for Ciel to spit out anything.

"You have bloody cat ears!" Ciel said standing up, which caused the chair he was sitting in to slide back roughly, and pointed to your head. You cocked your head to the side before reaching up to feel, huh..I guess you did. Ciel huffed out in an angry way, "I'm off to kill your father, love. I hope you don't mind" Ciel said turning to exit his study. You paused for a second and stopped him "Why?" you asked, Ciel bit the inside of his cheek before confessing that what you drank wasn't tea (which is why it probably tasted bitter then the tea Sebastian said he served), but in fact a potion your father mixed up and swore it grew hair.

You sighed out, you should've known this was his doing the second Sebastian started rubbing your head. Fucking cat ears!? You just nodded, "Alright, have fun Ciel" you said giving him a smile before he let out an out of character chuckle and leaving his study. Your father didn't die, but he sure as hell got a scolding not just from Ciel but from his wife when you returned home with cat ears and tail.

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