"Baby~" // Triplets((Mostly Canterbury)) x Reader //

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You had recently found out you where pregnant, but theres an issue..

Taken Place In;

Season three


This is based off of a role-play I have with sinisterme- . Expect I'm replacing my friend's OC Iris with Sebastian and my OC Mia with (YourName) ;))


You sat next to the toilet with you head in it, you swore up and down you where dying. Sebastian came in since he wanted to make sure you didn't fall..again. See you and Sebastian are closer then close, you where a great worker and he praised you for that. You see him as a brother, he sees you as a little sister, that type of thing. You've been working at the Phantomhive manor for a few months now, you only work there because Ciel 'stole' you.

You where working at the Trancy Manor at a Tea maker and a maid, Ciel saw what Alois did to Hannah and had to do something for you before he did it to you too. So when you went to make tea Sebastian swooped in and took you to the carriage before anyone noticed and told Ciel he had a meeting that he forgot about and they left.

But it took three demons to notice shortly after; Timber, Thompson, and Canterbury. These triplets where close to you and could tell you left just by walking out of one room.

Enough of that.

Sebastian only chuckled at you, you gave him the birdie and explained how you where 'soooo dying'. Obviously you didn't know you where pregnant, he got down to your level and helped a little and explained everything and that you should probably tell the young master whats wrong.

How did you get pregnant?

Well..It was at a party Alois was throwing and he invited the 'peasants'. He gave the triplets the job of trapping you and getting back, everything was going to plan until the triplets wanted to...ahem..try something and yeah..

To sum that up; you have no idea who the father is.

You finally got up and walked to young master's study and gave a few knocks before you herd a faint "Come In", you followed as told and walked in shutting the door behind you. You walked in front of the desk and gave a small bow, "Yes?" Ciel said not really paying attention "I-I was told to ask if I could have a few months off.." You began holding your hands behind your back.

Ciel looked up "Why.." Ciel asked setting his papers down taking a break from reading. "Because..I-I..ahem..am pregnant.." you explained, Ciel chuckled and nodded "well then of course..Don't dare think about working for a few months, okay (YourName)?" Ciel began "I don't care if you're a few weeks or not. You're an extra maid the works almost everyones job including Sebastian but..it's not about him..You need a break and this may be it.." Ciel finished. You nodded and bowed and left.


Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N) got invited to the Trancy Manor. Probably another attempt of being taken but they still went, Alois welcomed them. Ciel ordered Sebastian to protect (Y/N) and himself durning this visit, the triplets started getting closer to (Y/N) again so Sebastian stepped in and began telling them off until (Y/N) broke the news she was pregnant and stomped off to the garden, which was where Alois and Ciel was.

After Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N) left the triplets went on an adventure. First they went to Hannah, they asked the most saddest question Hannah probably ever herd and she's herd a lot of shit. "What does 'pregnant mean?" they asked, Hannah explained what it meant and how females get pregnant but not in detail. Hannah felt like that was for another day, "oh.." Timber said, "Yeah because (Y/N) said she's pregnant" Thompson added, "and we must be the father then.." Canterbury added.

Hannah had a look of 'well then'. having enough conversation with the beautiful pastel purple haired demon the left her and went to Claude, they asked questions which ended when they went to Alois' study to ask an even sadder question.

"Your Highness, may we see (Y/N)?" they asked, "W-What!? You want to leave me too!?" Alois yelled at the three plums. They shook their heads and and left, they agreed to never ask these questions having different reactions that just got worse each one.


Soon enough came the time for birth, since the baby is half demon there was a chance of (Y/N) dying. Like Jesus done blessed her, (Y/N) didn't die and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Who Sebastian agreed to taking care of as long as his contract with Ciel goes on, when (Daughter'sName) was official and (Y/N) could walk and take care of the baby without the help from Bard, Finny, or May-Rin Ciel threw a Ball.

(D/N) was the reason but Sebastian was like a body guard and wouldn't let anyone with purple hair- I'm so sorry husbean(Band) Soma- see the baby in any way. Soon Lizzy came through and dragged him away leaving the triplets the perfect time to meet the baby.

The triplets made there way over and saw the baby, "Is that the baby?" Timber asked, "It looks fat.." Thompson added, "I don't remember if we looked like that or not.." Canterbury finished. (Y/N) chuckled and shook her head, "No..It's normal for babies to look like that.." (Y/N) explained to the confused triplets, "C-Can I hold it..?" Canterbury spoke up causing his two confused brother to look at him. They can hold the small thing?

Canterbury went more into exploring sometimes at night when he got bored. Canterbury held the baby and just like that (D/N) fell asleep, he was indeed a natural. "Oh Look! it's your baby, Timber..!" Thompson said and pointed to the small patch of purple hair the seemed to point the middle, (Y/N) giggled a bit and shook her head and moved the hair to the side. "N-Now it's mine?" Thompson seemed to be confused. (Y/N) gave them another mini lesson on how hair can be moved.

Soon (D/N) needed her nappie (Nappy?) changed, so (Y/N) took her to a different room and did that while she did Timber and Thompson whispered to each other a bit and nodded. "She likes you, you have to be the father.." Timber said causing Thompson to nod in agreement in the back. Canterbury just shrugged he honestly didn't know but he did feel like he wanted to protect the small baby.

He shook it off until the baby came back but in Sebastian's arms. "Where is (Y/N)!?" Canterbury asked in a worried tone, "She's fine..she just..wanted to rest for a bit, now leave the baby alone.." Sebastian shooed them off.

"Now you have uncle Sebastian to yourself.." Sebastian chuckled and told the baby which caused her to giggle.

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