"Coffee Date" // Alois Trancy x Reader // REWRITE 001

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You play a small role in Black Butler II, appearing only a handful of times, but working onset and offset (since you ARE great help with makeup and fixing outfits) you caught a certain actor's eyes.


Since I'm running out of ideas and not many people are requesting (they're open, you can always PM me or just comment), I thought maybe I could just rewrite old chapters since I've grown when it comes to writing since 2017. I'm gonna start rewriting old chapters when I truly have no ideas just so it entertains you guys, only downside is that it's an old plot idea.



Edited By;



You held in your laughter as you watched Ciel Phantomhive and Elizabeth Midford childishly argue over a sweet. You were tending to one of the many actors of the show, fixing their makeup and their costume. Once you were finished doing your thing, you let the actor walk off. As soon as you were about to take a seat, after standing for hours on end making sure everything was perfect- your legs and feet DID hurt, you heard you name softly being called.

You groaned, you didn't have to act today, it was mostly Lizzie, Ciel, Sebastian, and the actors and actress of the Phantomhive servants shooting today- so if it were one of the directors, you were going to have issue. Why did you come in today if you have no parts to star in? Well you were great at fixing makeup and making sure costumes were at their best, so as you act; you fix.

You chose to ignore your name being called and attempted to relax, you closed your eyes and tried to block out the talk around you until you heard your name once again. This time you showed you were annoyed with this voice, so with visible angry vibe you got up and followed the voice into one of the back rooms.

Once in the room you noticed it was just Alois, on scene he played a mistreated-misunderstood bipolar teen - while off scene Alois was the sweetest boy to exist...unless he didn't like you, then he'll throw on a fake smile for you and talk about you behind your back. For as long as you have known him (which was a few months now) you felt as if you haven't angered the blond, so being alone in a room wasn't as intimidating as it sounded.

"My legs and feet hurt, Alois. I'm sorry if I seem cranky- but why did you call me back here!?" You asked pretty mad, Alois nervously chuckled- if Alois was being honest you were the intimating one, seeing you angry spooked him. "I'm sorry! I just don't wanna ask this in front of everyone, especially Ciel- he probably won't let me live it down if you rejected" Alois explained fiddling with his sweater sleeve, [YourName] gave Alois a look to carry on with his question, which he did.

"I just wanted to know if you..I dunno wanted to get coffee with me tomorrow morning?" Alois asked kinda rocking on the heels of his feet, you sighed out but nodded. "I'm down, you just have to walk with me" You said turning around, even though it was dim in the room you could see Alois' face lighten up and nod. "Of course! I'll see you around six then?" Alois asks, you nod with a soft hum of approval before turning around and returning to the chair you were comfortable sitting in.


The next morning rolled around, Alois, Claude, Hannah, Canterbury, and you had parts to act in- it was a crisp early summer morning (five o'clock to be exact). Once you got up and convinced yourself to get a move on with your day, you took a shower, dried and brushed your hair out, brushed your teeth, got dressed, and headed downstairs. You were only fourteen, but depended on the need of coffee to keep you running due to these early mornings in the heat of the summer in New York City. The early shiny mornings and heatstroke like temperatures were honestly kinda nice compared to the ones back at home in England- but either way you missed your gloomy weather home.

Once downstairs you made some toast and wrote a note to your mother. The note was just telling her you were walking with Alois to work today, after you finished your toast Alois texted that he was outside and you quickly headed out. You yawned before saying a 'good morning' only to get the same energy of a 'morning' back from Alois, there was no talking while you two walked to the coffee shop- you two remained close to each other though.

Once Alois and you entered the shop, you were brutally slapped in the face with the smell of coffee and all sorts of warm awakening drinks. You groaned a bit rubbing your face in an attempt to get the smell away from you, which caused a small giggle to come out of Alois' mouth which he tried played off as if he was clearing his throat. Not many people were in the small shop, so even if you were to get noticed by someone who's obsessed with the show it wouldn't be a big scene. Black Butler II has yet to be released, the only thing that is out there currently is official photos of the new cast members and old ones, there's also some official videos made by the producers of everyone introducing themselves but that's about it.

Once you two ordered your coffees you both waited. You were tired and desperate to rest your eyes so you casually leaned onto Alois, who took you into a hug once getting the hint you were tired. He let your rest your eyes until the worker who made your guys coffee handed Alois the drinks, Alois scooted you to a table and handed you the cold iced coffee which after a few sips woke you up a little. The two of you held conversation for a little. Conversation went on about where you would go after Black Butler II, what other works have offered you their time, all that- mostly work and some at home topics.

After checking the time the two of you walked to work, it wasn't that far- about ten minute walk- so it didn't bother you guys. Instead of remaining silent and creating awkward silence between the two of you, both of you talked. It wasn't about work, or home, just anything that came to mind. There were a few laughs and 'aw's but by the time they got to the building floor they're suppose to be on they dulled down conversation to less loud talking and giggles.

For the rest of the day, when you guys got the chance at least, you talked and flirted. It was clear that the coffee date from earlier that morning helped the two gain some type of relationship- even if it'll last not that long since both of you are just fourteen.



BUUUuuut if you have any more requests, or you want me to rewrite an old chapter just tell me and I'm totally down.

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