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Re-Edited 9/18/2017

Ramon's POV

I don't remember how long I've been lost in this underground place but the food that was in here has ran out a while ago and all there's left is herbs. I'm too weak to move, seems like I might die down here. I'll never be able to see my Mom or Older Brother again "Hello! Is anyone down here?!" I hear someone say I groan in response.

I see a figure appear in front of me as if it appeared out of thin air, it was a male. He's in a nice suit and has red hair, he picked me up and carried me to two other individuals one is someone my age and the other is a young adult. I couldn't pay attention to what their saying, so I decide to black out.

I wake up to beeping I open my eyes and I see a white ceiling, I look around and I see that I'm hooked up to medical equipment then I remember what happened. Someone found me and rescued me, I hear a knock on the door "Come in." I say the door opens to reveal a teenage boy he comes in and sits in a chair near my bed "How are you?" The Boy asks "I'm better." I reply "How long was I out?" I ask "Two days." He answers.

Oh wow, I can't believe I was out that long "Um, thanks... for saving me." I say to the boy "You shouldn't be thanking me. You should be thanking Theo, you know the one with the red hair. He was the one who found you." He said. I start to get nervous when mention the red hair guy, he sees my expression "What's wrong?" He asks, I shallow a lump in my throat "I hope I was hallucinating from starvation but I saw the red hair guy move inhumanly fast. What is he?" I ask nervously, afraid of what his answer may be.

The Boy smiles lightly before answering "Theo is a vampire." He said, I try to process this information and I think... "What are you?" I ask looking at him "I'm human." He answers "But if you want to be technical, I'm a witch." He says, okay... so, the supernatural seems to be more than just a myth.

I look at the boy again "It's not a coincidence that you found me?" I ask a little nervous, he sighs deeply "God, this is going to sound corny." He says. I give him a look waiting for him to answer "I want to give powers." He says, I give him a look again, that's interesting "What kind of powers?" I ask. "You'll be stronger than the average human and almost as strong as other supernatural creatures. And you would have enhanced senses as well." He said "What kind of creature would I be?" I ask.

He chuckles at my question "You wouldn't be a creature, you would be a hunter. A Paladin." He said "Would I be able to see my family?" I ask "Of course." He answers. I think about everything he said I look at him again "I'll do it. I'll be a Paladin." I say he smiles at my answer "Oh yeah, I never got your name, I'm Noah Gilbert." He said "Ramon McCall" I answer and he smiles.

It's the full moon, Noah and Theo gathered everything they needed to turn me into a Paladin while I stand next to Jon, Noah's first Paladin. They seem to have everything ready because Noah ushers me over, he lights the pile of wood and whispers into his necklace. Noah puts his hands out for me to take so I take them, he tells me to close my eyes, so I do.

Noah starts to chant then I feel some kind of energy flow into me, I gasp for air as more energy flows into me. Then Noah stops chanting and we both collapse to the ground, Jon helps me up while Theo helps Noah "Did it work?" I hear Noah ask Theo "Yes, you did it, I feel it. He has the same energy as Jon." Theo said then Noah passes out.

It's been two days since Noah passed out and I've been worried sick, but Theo assured me that Noah was just exhausted and that he need rest. Jon has been teaching me hand to hand combat and how to use my sword, we've been practicing for hours and I thought I was finally going to get a hit on him but next thing I know I'm on my back.

I was breathing heavily then I looked to the side, I see that Noah has finally woken up, so I get and rush towards him giving him a hug "Thank god, I thought you would never wake up." I said "How do you feel?" Noah asks "I feel amazing! Better than I have in a long while." I say. Noah smiles "Jon's been teaching me hand to hand and how to use my sword." I tell him "So, what's your family like?" Noah asks "Well, I have my Mom, She's a nurse. And I have an Older Brother, last time I saw him he had asthma." I tell Noah. "And what about your father?" He asks, I make a slight grimace on my face "He's too busy working for the FBI, I haven't seen him in years." I say.

I look at Noah "When can I go back home?" I ask Noah "Whenever Jon finishes training you." Theo answers looking to Jon "He'll need a few weeks before he's ready to defend himself from any creatures." Jon said.

Two weeks passed and I'm sitting in a parking car with Theo and Noah in front of The Beacon Hill Sheriff's Department. We all get out of the car "So, you know what you have to do right?" Noah asks me, I nod "If you ever need my help with anything just call me or Jon and one of us will be there as fast as we can." Noah said. I give Noah a tight hug "Thank you, Noah for everything." I say "See ya." I say "Yeah, see ya." Noah says back then I turn around walk towards the Sheriff's Station.

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