Chapter 10

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Ramon's POV

I'm in the backyard sparring with Jon but I can't focus because of what's happening with Stiles. I threw a punch at Jon but he catches it and flips me onto the ground, hard "You're not focused, kid." Jon scolds. I sigh "Sorry, I'm just... distracted." I tell him. Stiles checked himself into Eichen House last night so that he doesn't hurt anyone else. Scott went to Deaton's to find answers on how to cure Stiles of the Nogitsune, Deaton poisoned the fox but it's only temporary, it'll only last a few days.

I get up and sigh deeply "Look, I know things have been hectic these past few days but I'm sure your Brother and his friends can find a cure for Stills." Jon tells me. I bust out laughing "What?" Jon asks confused "His name—is Stiles." I wheeze as I continue to laugh "Oh." Jon replies then he starts to laugh, laughter fills the backyard. Thank god Theo's House isn't near any properties, we'd probably get a noise complaint. We finally stop laugh "Where were you last week?" I ask Jon, "After you told me that Nogitsune possessed one of your friends, I had to investigate to make sure. I tracked your Friend Stiles and he was busy. Sabotaging various places and arranging for certain events to happen." Jon explains. "So, what do we do now?" I ask him, Jon shrugs his shoulders "Maybe there's something in Theo's bestiaries that could tells us something about how to expel fox spirits or spirits in general." I suggest. Jon contemplates what I said for a moment "I don't know... Theo's never came across any kitsunes before as far as I know, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to read up on some supernatural creatures." He says, I nod.

Jon and I spent all hours of the night reading bestiaries and came up with nothing. The only thing close of enough to what we were looking for was expelling ghost spirits but I'm sure if it's the same thing. Plus, some of the ways to expel them required a witch, and the only witches I know are in... Mystic Falls? "Hey Jon, are Noah and Theo still in Mystic Falls?" I ask him, Jon shakes his head "Nope, they moved to New Orleans?" He answers still reading "Oh." I say back. I wonder why they're in New Orleans?

I get an urgent text from Scott, so I go home "Hey, Scott did you find anything?" I ask him. He nods solemnly, Scott told me what he was up to last night... apparently, he robbed an armored truck full of police evidence in order to find a silver finger that belonged to a recently dead yakuza. The finger contained a scroll on how to expel the Nogitsune "So, what did it say?" I ask him, "It said the only way to expel it is to change the host body." Scott answers. Change the host body... does that mean changing Stiles into a werewolf? I don't think he'd want that.

It's Saturday so, no school but I go to the school library to catch up on some school work. Stiles is missing again but there is nothing I can do about it now. I've been studying for a few hours then I hear the familiar roar of my Brother's dirt bike. I peak my head out the library doorway and see Scott and Kira rushing into the school, I follow after them. They reach a classroom where Mr. Yukimura is choking on something while his wife is trying to comfort him "Did you bring it?" His wife asks Kira, she nods and gives it to her "You going to tell me what it is?" Kira asks. "Reishi." Her Mom answers as she puts the reishi into Mr. Yukimura's mouth "You're not seriously giving Dad magic mushrooms?" Kira asks confused. Mr. Yukimura coughs up some black fluid and he's breathing again, which is good "Stiles did this?" Scott asks. Stiles did do this, he was trying to find Kira's Mom, Noshiko's last fox tail and 'Stiles' wants them for whatever reason but it can't be good.

Noshiko, Kira's Mom is a 900 year old kitsune and in 1943 she was imprisoned in an Japanese internment, a cover-up happened there which involved everyone in the camp to be killed and Noshiko was almost killed in the process. In an act of desperation, she called forth the Dark Kitsune to take revenge on those that were killed by the corrupt officials of the camp but it got out of hand. The Nogitsune caused chaos and strife for everyone not just to the corrupt officials and Noshiko had to put it down and seal it away in the Nemeton when it was a full tree. After Kira's Mom tells us her story of the Nogitsune, her and Kira put together the pieces of a broken katana "Excising the Nogitsune from the host body shattered the katana. But you can put it back together." Noshiko explains to Kira.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Kira asks, "Because I'm not a Thunder Kitsune." Noshiko answers "Do you trust me?" She continues, "I just found out you're a 900 years old. I don't think I'm ever gonna trust you again." Kira tells her. Kira fixes the broken katana with her fox fire making it whole again. Scott gets a text to meet at Derek's loft because Stiles is there. Scott and Kira race to the loft on his dirt bike, but I go back to the library and pack up my things. I could text Jon to give me a lift to Derek's loft but he'd probably take forever to ger here. So, I go home instead, it's night time when I get home. I go up to my room and plop down onto my bed and sigh deeply staring up at the ceiling. There has to be another way to save Stiles that doesn't involve killing him... there has to be. My eyes become heavy and I let sleep take me... hoping everything worked out with Scott and Kira at Derek's loft.

It's morning and I wake up to noises downstairs, I get up and walk downstairs to find my Brother and Aiden carrying an unconscious Stiles into the living, he has a deep wound on his abdomen "The couch, put him on the couch." Scott said as they put him on the couch. Mom, Lydia, and Deaton are here too "Guys, this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital." Mom states. "Mom, remember what happened last time he went to the hospital?" Scott ask rhetorically. Deaton examines Stiles' wound "Doesn't look like he's bleeding. I think he might even be healing." He tells us, "That's good, right?" Scott asks, "For him, yes. Us? I'm not so sure." Deaton tells us. "Well, if we're not going to kill him, why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?" Aiden asks. "I might have something more effective." Deaton replies and opens his Doctor's Bag and pulls out a brown bottle of liquid.

Scott and Aiden hold 'Stiles' mouth open and Deaton puts a few drops onto his tongue. Stiles awakens and grabs Aiden by his throat "Get him off me! Get him off me!" He shouts trying to pry Stiles' hand off from his throat, Stiles grip starts to slacken and he smirks "Kanima poison. Nice touch." He said. Aiden growls at 'Stiles' "You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain? You didn't lose that talent, too, did you?" 'Stiles' asks in a veiled threat. Aiden Glares at 'Stiles' "Oh, I hope not. You're going to need it. Okay, I'll give a little hint. Ethan's at the school." 'Stiles' tells him, Aiden looks to Scott "Go." He tells him and Aiden rushes out the house heading to school to save his Brother.

'Stiles' laughs "Oh, I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins. Short tempers. Homicidal compulsions." He lists then gives my Brother a look "They're a lot more fun than you Bakemono trying to save the world every day." He rants. Mom glares at 'Stiles' "Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body. You got anything for his mouth?" She asks Deaton "Yes, I do." He answers and pulls out a roll of tape, and puts a piece over his mouth.

Scott and Deaton debate over how they're gonna save Stiles while I have a look at him. He's paler than usual with huge bags under his eyes, he looks like he hasn't eaten or slept in days, maybe weeks. 'Stiles' tilts his head and mumbles something at me, I don't know what he said so I take the tape "What did you say?" I ask him "I said, what was it like to be trapped under the Nemeton? With limited food and water, nearly starved. I can only imagine... no, wait. I was sealed in the Nemeton for centuries until your friends freed me. But who was it that found you?" He asks. I don't know what he's getting at so I put the tape back on his mouth and sit in a chair across from him. Mom looks at me worried. That's right, I've never told Mom what actually happened to me, I've only told Scott and... Stiles. Okay, this fox is trying to rile me up and it's working, I glare at him.

After more debate on how to save Stiles, Lydia suggests help from another source. The doorbell rings, I get up to open the door, it's Derek's Uncle, Peter Hale. He examines 'Stiles' "He doesn't look like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf." Peter states. "You don't think it would work?" Scott asks, "This is more a war of the mind than the body. There are better methods to winning this battle." Peter tells him. Peter agrees to help Scott guide Lydia and enter Stiles' mind with Scott's claws. Scott plunges his claws into the back of Lydia's and Stiles' necks to enter their minds. Minutes go by then my Brother releases them both from his claws, Peter catches Lydia asking her about someone's name.

Stiles starts to cough ripping the tape from his mouth. He begins to vomit a long strand of gauze onto the floor until it is a huge pile. A hand shoots out of the pile, we watch in horror as a bandaged man crawls out of it. The bandaged man lunges towards Stiles but Scott, Peter, and I rush him and hold him down. I start to pull the bandages off and its Stiles... the real Stiles. I turn around to see the other Stiles and Lydia are gone, where the hell did they go?!

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