Chapter 9

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Ramon's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night to shuffling and yelling "Isaac! Ramon!" Scott Shouts. I get up out of bed rush through the hallway with Isaac to my Brother's Room "What's wrong?" Isaac asks "Get dressed, something's wrong with Stiles?" Scott answers. "What's wrong with Stiles?" I ask concerned, my Brother looks at us worried "I don't know." He answers unsure. We start to leave when Scott's phone rings and he answers it "No. Just Isaac and Ramon. We're coming to find you. Can you figure out where you are? Try to find something and tells us where to look?" Scott asks worried.

Stiles thinks he's trapped in some industrial basement and that he is in there with someone but doesn't know who. We go to Stiles' house up to his room to find Lydia and Aiden already in his room "Did he call you too?" Scott asks them, "I heard it." Lydia answers. We look to Aiden for a better answer "Don't ask. It gets more confusing when you ask." He said "Okay. Not as confusing as this. He uses red for unsolved cases." Lydia said looking at Stiles' evidence board. "Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case." Aiden said, "Or is an unsolved case." Isaac adds looking at the evidence board. Scott explains the situation to Lydia "What did his Dad say?" She asks. Scott looks at Lydia sheepishly "We kind of... didn't tell him yet." He answers. If looks could kill my Brother would be dead, Lydia is furious "Stiles is bleeding and freezing, and you didn't call his Dad?!" She yells, "He made me promise not to. We can find him by scent. If he was sleep walking he couldn't have gotten far, right?" Scott asks.

Lydia convinces my Brother to call Sheriff Stilinski. We found Stiles' Jeep at Beacon Hill Hospital but no Stiles, Scott checks the roof with Derek. I decide to the Sheriff Station to find that Dad is there too, so I start to turn around to leave but it's too late "Ramon." My Dad calls out. I stop and turn back around with a smile "Hey, Dad, how's your shoulder?" I ask "It's fine. How you've been?" He asks "I'm good." I tell him. There's an awkward silence "So... who's this friend you've been seeing all hours of the night, she must be something special?" Dad asks "It's not a she." I say, "Oh... uh, that's fine too." He said. I look up at my Dad realizing what he was implying "Dad, it's not like that at all. He's just a friend." I say embarrassed, I sigh "Aren't you supposed to help find Stiles?" I ask trying to change the subject.

A few hours later, Dad figured out that Stiles is in a deep sleep walk state and he may know where Stiles is. Dad along with Mom and I find Stiles in a coyote den. We take Stiles to the Hospital to make sure everything fine with him physically.

The next day, I went to Theo's House to see Jon. I rush inside "Jon! I think I know who's possessed!" I shout urgently. Jon's in the living where I see him pick up a holstered gun and put it on his waist belt "Hey, Jon. What's with the gun, you going on a hunt?" I ask. Jon chuckles "Hey, Ramon. And no, I'm not going on a hunt. I'm going to work." He answers. I give him a look "Wait, you have a job?" I ask shocked, Jon chuckles again "Yes, I do." He said then tosses me something and I catch it. It looks like a wallet I open it, it's a badge "U.S. Marshal Jonathan Kane." I mumble reading the badge. My eyes widen then I look up at Jon "You're a U.S. Marshal!" I exclaim. Jon chuckles yet again "Yes, and now I'm late. But you said something about knowing who's possessed?" Jon asks. Oh, I almost forgot, I tell him who I think is possessed "Do you have any proof?" Jon asks. I shake my head "No, this is why I came to you." I said. Jon sighs "Go to school, have a normal day. I'll see what I can find out." Jon tells me and I nod.

I go to school like Jon said and go on about my day but I can't stop thinking about who I think is possessed, I need proof. Jon said he would find some, so I'll just have to put my faith in him. After school, I go home up to my room. I check my phone and I have a few missed calls, one from... Noah. He left me a voice mail I listen to it 'Hey, Ramon, sorry I missed your call. And you're right I am busy but when I'm free, I'll help you with whatever trouble you're in. Bye.' He said and his message ended. I smile, well it's good to know that he got my call but I doubt he'll make it in time. Hopefully, Jon and I figure it out before long, without anyone dying.

The next day, Stiles goes missing from the hospital and Isaac got hurt really bad at the hospital because of some faulty wiring and got electrocuted. Another two days go by and Stiles is still missing, I've heard nothing from Jon which worries me. Another day goes by, it was normal... until it wasn't. We learned that the new girl Kira is a kitsune, she explains that kitsunes are tricksters who are mischievous and unconcerned with thing like right or wrong. So, Nogitsune or dark kitsunes cause chaos for the sake of chaos, that's... not good. The day continues on as chaos slowly starts trickle down, The Coach gets shot with an arrow, a bomb threat at school, then a bomb goes off at the Sheriff's Station.

And now we're being chased by Oni as we try to escape them heading towards the Animal Clinic because it's lined with mountain ash. Stiles pulls up to clinic, there's Oni behind us Scott wolfs out and starts to fight them. I unsheathe my sword and help him fight. Scott and I struggle against the Oni then Kira starts to help us... apparently, she can fight too. Scott and I get distracted by how well she's fighting, I nearly get slashed by one of the Oni, my Brother gets stabbed by an Oni. Kira kicks Oni away, Stiles grabs Scott and hauls him into the clinic. They put him on the exam table of the clinic, Kira attempts to put the Oni's sword out but Stiles stops her by slamming her head against the exam table.

I swing my sword at Stiles but he dodges and knock my sword out of my hand, it flies into a wall then Stiles kicks me into some selves. I start to get up slowly and make it to my sword "You okay?" Not Stiles asks Scott "Please don't. Stop." I hear my Brother plead. "It's okay." Not Stiles said "Does it hurt? Hey, look at me. You should've done your reading, Scott. See, a Nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife, and pain. This morning you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach. And then from a dying Deputy. All that pain. You took it all. Now, give it to me." Not Stiles demands as he starts absorbing Scott's pain.

I reach my sword and rip it from the wall "You really have to learn, Scott. Never trust a fox. They'll fool you. They fool everyone." Not Stiles said as he pulls the Oni sword from Scott's stomach. I charge him and our swords clash "Stiles." I say even though I know its not Stiles "Ramon, The Paladin." Not Stiles said, "You are an enigma, not sure what to do with you." Not Stiles said. Then he looks behind me and pushes me out the way as two gunshots are fired. Not Stiles parries the shots with the Oni sword, Not Stiles smirks at whoever shot at him "Did you think that would work?" He asks the shooter. I look and see who shot at him "Jon!" I exclaim but he ignores me and keep gaze and gun on Not Stiles "No, I didn't." Jon said steely. Suddenly there's a needle inserted in Stiles' neck and he falls to the ground. It was Deaton, Scott's boss who did the deed "What was that?" I ask, "Was that a cure? Is he okay?" Scott asks. "The fox is poisoned. But it's not dead. Not yet." Deaton explains. What does that even mean? And where was Jon for the past two days? Did Deaton find a cure for Stiles or not?

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