Chapter 1

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Edited – 4/14/18

Ramon's POV

I walk inside the Sheriff's Station I see deputies all around, I look around and see an office door that has 'Sheriff' plastered on it I knock on the door it opens to reveal Mr. Stilinski. Yup, that's Mr. Stilinski he's a bit older than I remember "Hi, young man. Can I help you with something." He said "Mr. Stilinski. Don't you recognize me?" I ask, he looks at me I seem familiar to him but he still can't pinpoint where he knows me from.

"It's me... Ramon McCall." I tell him he stares at me for a moment then goes into his office and comes back with a piece of paper, he looks at me then at the paper then at me again. He's stunned "How?" He whispers, he places his hands on my shoulders "Where have you been?" He asks, I explain to him that I was stuck in some underground storage "Who rescued you?" He asks.

I shallow a lump in my throat "I don't know. I remember hearing a voice then I blacked out. When I came to, I had medical equipment attached to me and a change of clothes near my bedside." I tell him. I sat near Mr. Stilinski's Office, he made a call to Mom and I've been sitting here for what seems like forever when I see two people I haven't seen in an long time it's my Mom and... My Brother, what happened to his jaw? When they see me, Mom teared up and Scott is surprised and happy to see me.

They both walked towards me "Ramon." Mom whispers I nod tearing up, she hugs me and Scott hugs me as well "How...?" Mom asks, I explain what happened to me "Oh god and you don't remember who found you?" My Mom asks "No. I remember waking up in a room with medical equipment attached to me." I tell her and Scott.

After some paper work I was able to go home I haven't been here in so long "Your room is still the same. We might have to get you some new clothes though." Scott tells me, I smile "I thought I would never see you or Mom ever again." I say then I gave him a hug, he hugs back.

Scott left afterwards he said he had to go meet Stiles and Mom has a late shift, I sit on my bed. Home, I'm finally home I lay down on my bed staring up at the ceiling and I let sleep take me. I'm shaken awake "Come, Little Bro. Time to wake up or your gonna be late for school." Scott said, I groan sitting up, great school.

I take the bus to school when I get there I feel everyone staring at me, Scott pulls up in his death trap of dirt bike I don't know how he talked Mom into letting him have that "Little Bro, Hey." Scott said, I see Stiles approach us "Ramon, you remember Stiles?" Scott said "Of course I do. I don't have amnesia." I said "Little McCall. I'm glad you're alive." Stiles said and gives me a hug, he let's go after a moment "So, you really don't remember who found you?" Stiles asks "No. I only remember hearing a voice..." I tell him about to explain more when Scott taps Stiles on the arm "Hey! Stop interrogating my Baby Brother." Scott says.

I chuckle "It's alright, Scott. I have to go, see you guys later." I say walking into the school building. I find the office and asked for my schedule seems like I'll be sophomore this year, classes were canceled for the rest of the day because a flock of crows crashed into a classroom, so I decided to go home.

It's the next day and an old friend of Stiles went missing last night. I'm currently sitting in the library at school catching up to some work when I hear someone clear there throat I look up and see a girl smiling with a red-haired girl standing beside her "Hi, is anyone sitting here?" She asks "No, please go ahead, have a seat." I reply.

They both sit down "I'm Allison Argent." She said "Lydia Martin." The red head said "Ramon McCall." I say, Allison tilts her head surprised "McCall? Are you related to...?" Allison asks but I cut her off her "Yes, Scott's my brother." I tell her "Scott never told me he had a brother." She said "Well, I was missing for two years and I found my way back." I said "Oh wow." Allison said.

I chuckle at her response "I want one." I hear Lydia say Allison turns around to see what Lydia is looking at, it's twin boys and they feel off I don't know what it is? I've been getting the same feeling every time I'm around Scott. It probably has something to do with me being a Paladin "Which one?" Allison asks "The straight one, obviously." Lydia replies they continue their conversation and I continue my studies.

I get home after I finish my studies, Mom has another late shift at the hospital and Scott is over at Stiles doing god knows what. Theo told me the supernatural is in Beacon Hills, werewolves and other creatures. I think My Brother and Stiles are somehow involved, but I don't know if I should confront them about, suddenly I hear an ear-piercing scream. 

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