Chapter 7

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Ramon's POV

I wake up to hearing wall banging "You two supernatural teenage boys! Don't test my entirely un-supernatural level of patience!" I hear Mom yell, I groan. What the hell are Scott and Isaac doing? I get up from my bed and walk into the hallway, there I see Isaac on his butt and Scott looking down at him "Feel Better?" Isaac asks, Scott smiles. I clear my throat and they both look at me "You guys woke me up and you're annoying Mom, so if you could stop whatever this is." I say gesturing at both of them, "That would be great." I say irritated then I walk past them and go downstairs.

It's after school, I go to Theo's House to see Jon, I look around "Jon!" I shout. I find him out back in the yard practicing with his sword "Jon." I say. He stops and sees me "Hey, kiddo. How was your day?" He asks "It was fine." I answer then I tell him about Scott and how he's having trouble controlling his shift ever since he became an alpha, Stiles is having night terrors and hallucinating different letters, and Allison is also hallucinating about her dead aunt.

Jon and I trained for hours, I didn't realize that it was dark out "Oh crap, I gotta get home." I say in realization, mom's probably worried sick I start to leave but Jon stops me "Hold on. Before you go I have something for you." He tells me, he gestures for me to follow him. Jon is looking through a giant chest and pulls out a case then places it on a table in front of me and opens it.

I look at what's in the case, it looks like a broken sword I grab it and examine it. I look at Jon "Give it a swing." He tells me, so I do and it turns into a full sword "Woah." I say amazed "It's a retractable sword, it's made out of silver." Jon explains. I look at the sword, it's pretty cool "Um, how do I..." I ask "I think there's a button on the hilt." He said, I look on the hilt for a button I see it and press it. It goes back to its broken sword look. I look up at Jon "But what about my other sword?" I ask "You can still use it. I just thought this would be more convenient." Jon explains, he's right, I could fit this in my coat pocket.

I see a black cylinder shape thing also in the case I pick it up "What is this?" I ask "A retractable baton." Jon answers, I give it a swing. Yeah, I've seen theses before I think the deputies carries them on there belts "Thanks." I say smiling "No problem, kiddo. Now get home before your Mom calls the authorities and think your missing." Jon said, I chuckle.

When I get back home, I hear arguing in the living room. It's Dad, Mom, and Scott "What the hell is going on?" Mom asks annoyed "He's trying to get Stiles' Dad fired." Scott said upset "No, that's not true." Dad said "What are you doing?" Mom asks him "Conducting a case for impeachment." Dad explains "That sound a lot like getting fired." Mom said "The lack of resolution and ability to close cases is what's going to get him fired. My job is just to collect the information. And it's the job my superiors have given me." Dad explains "Your job sucks." Mom chastises. I turn to Scott and see that his anger is getting the best of him "Mom." I whisper to her, gesturing to my Brother. Mom pulls him away, I turn to Dad "Where were you all night?" Dad asks "At a friend's house." I answer then I go upstairs to my room before he asks me another question.

I'm awakened in the middle of the night by Scott "Wha- what is it?" I ask groggily "Come on, get ready." Was my Brother's answer, so I got ready. We went to Stiles' House and got him too, apparently, we're going found a dead body... great. We are in the woods looking for a dead body "You know, if my Dad's right, that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet." Stiles said "I know." Scott said "If it turns out to be something like triplets that form into, like, a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not for that." Stiles said "Yeah. Me either. Especially if I can't even control my own transformation anymore." Scott said.

Suddenly, we all hear a howl that scares Stiles, which makes him grab onto Scott for protection "Sorry, buddy. I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless little animal." Stiles said. We continue walking through the woods and found the car crash "I think we found it." Stiles said, they examine it and find an old doll in the wreckage.

I hear growling and so does Scott, we see glowing blue eyes in the darkness "Hey, guys please tell me you see that." Scott said, I nod "I see it." Stiles confirms then Scott takes off. I follow after my Brother, running through the woods then Scott leaps over a ravine but I stop because I'm not even sure that I can jump that high. I go back around and look for Stiles, I almost collide into him then my Brother collides into us "I think I found something." Stiles said "So did I." Scott said, Stiles takes us to a den "It's a coyote den." Stiles said "Werecoyote." Scott said.

They look around in the den and find stuff from the wreckage "We shouldn't be here." Scott said "What do you mean?" Stiles asks confused "She's not going to come back now. We just invaded here home. Our scent's going to be everywhere." Scott said "If she's not going to be back here, where's she going to go?" Stiles asks. We wanted to keep looking around but Scott couldn't hold on to the werecoyote's scent, so he suggests that we call the Sheriff, Stiles' Dad and we did. Our Dad came along with the Sheriff, man, his job really sucks.

The next day at school, the coyote was spotted at the boy's locker room because Stiles kept its old doll in his bag. After school, we come up with a plan to change the coyote back into a human with an alpha's roar. But my Brother is having performance issues, so we get help from former alphas, the Twins. We meet them at Derek's loft, the Twins ambush my Brother while giving him lessons on how to be an alpha. I don't get how beating the crap out of him will help him be an alpha, one of the Twins is taking thing too far as he repeatedly punches my Brother in the face and it's pissing me off.

I take out my new sword, rush towards the twin and put my sword near his neck "Stop hitting my Brother before I cut your head off." I threaten, he stops "What? I thought we were helping him." Aiden said "You help too much." Ethan said, I scoff, that didn't help at all. Aiden gets off my Brother, I look at my Brother; he's a bleeding mess but he's starting to heal "You alright?" I ask concerned. He doesn't answer, he just breaths heavily in pain.

Later, we all go out to the Beacon Hills Preserve "Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good?" Lydia asks worried "We're trying to keep a Father from killing his own daughter." Scott said. Suddenly we all hear a gunshot echo throughout the woods, Scott rides off in his dirt bike and run off after him. I run through the woods and find my Brother has fallen off his bike "Scott, what the hell?!" I scold "Sorry." He said.

Scott and I start running through the woods, we find the coyote and chase it; my Brother starts to wolf out and is running faster. He jumps over the ravine again and I stop, again, not wanting to test my luck. I hear Scott roar, I think everyone heard his roar; way to go Bro. Scott comes back with a girl, we take her to the Sheriff and he takes her back to her father. We did a good thing today, I think my Brother is finally getting this alpha thing under control.

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