Chapter 2

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Edited – 4/14/18

Ramon's POV

I groan in pain with my hands covering my ears "What the hell?" I whisper, after that ear-piercing scream I decided to take a walk when I see Stiles' Jeep parked near the local pool area "Yeah, all right. I'm gonna call my dad." I hear Stiles say "I already called 911." Lydia said "You called the police before you called me?" Stiles asks.

I raise my eyebrow at what he said, aren't you suppose to call the police when something bad happens "I'm supposed to call you when I find a dead body?" Lydia asks "Yes!" Stiles exclaims, tired of this conversation I decide to make presence known "Hey guys, what are doing?" I say and Stiles jump about a foot at my sudden appearance "What... the hell are you doing here?!" Stiles questions.

I give a slight smile "I out for a walk, when I saw your jeep. What happened?" I ask as I step forward a little, I see a body sitting on the lifeguard's chair covered in blood. I shallow a lump in my throat, I've never seen a dead body before I turn around to Stiles who jumps a little at my sudden movement "What happened?" I ask a little scared.

After the police arrived at the scene, Stiles told me that the person at the pool got his throat slashed, I got a ride with Stiles but we made sure Lydia got home okay then he dropped me off at home. I didn't leave the jeep for a moment looking down at my hands, there shaking "Hey, are you all right?" Stiles asks, I look up at him and smile nervously "Sorry, it's just... I've never seen a dead body before. Does this sort of stuff happen all the time in Beacon Hills?" I ask.

Stiles makes a face "Um..." He said, I laugh a little "It's fine... um, see you tomorrow at school." I said, leaving the jeep and went inside. I get to my room, my hands are still shaking from seeing that dead body, if I can't handle a dead body how can I handle all the other crap that might happen here in Beacon Hills. I lay down on my bed, close my eyes, and let sleep take me.

The next, day, I'm at school and I have a free period, I see Stiles and Lydia walking together, so I decide to trek behind them without them noticing "You know there's a temple in Calcutta where they used to sacrifice a child every day? That's everyday a dead baby day, Lydia, everyday! Hey, you want to know what today is? It's dead baby day. Oh, no, wait, that's everyday, because everyday is dead baby, yay!" Stiles tells Lydia, why is Stiles talking about dead babies?

"Why are you telling me this?" Lydia asks "Because Scott's dealing with The Alpha Twins." Stiles said, so those Twins are werewolves and their Alphas. I decide to make my presence known "Alphas. What do you mean, Alphas?" I ask surprising both of them "Jeez... you need a bell, Ramon." Stiles says "Are you going to answer my question?" I ask "What? Oh. I meant 'Alpha' as in douche, Alpha Douches." Stiles says lying terribly but I'll believe him for now.

I continue to walk with them "Okay, good. So, look here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking that the murders maybe come in threes. Ancient people love things in three, right? So, maybe first it's three virgins, and then, I don't know, maybe it's three people who own little dogs." Stiles said, I chuckle a little, why would anyone want to murder someone for owning little dogs?

I'm sitting in the library studying when my hearing picks up weird chanting, I follow the chanting to the music room, where I find Lydia standing in the middle of the room and she's holding a device to her ear were the chanting is coming from. I walk towards her "Lydia?" I ask worried, she comes out of her stupor "Ramon?" She asks confused "Are you all right?" I ask "I have to call Stiles." She tells me and I nod.

Minutes later Stiles arrives with an older black male, he gave me a strange look as if trying to figure out what I am. His presence feels like Noah's, it's similar but not the same. We went to Mr. Harris' Classroom to find that he's missing, we look around the classroom for clues "This test is graded 'R'." Stiles said "This one's 'H'." Lydia said.

They put together the papers, it spells out a word 'Darach', what does that mean? "Stiles, you remember I told you 'Druid' is the Gaelic word for 'Wise Oak'?" The man asks "Yeah." Stiles answers "If a Druid went down the wrong path, the Wise Oak was sometimes said to have become a Dark Oak. There's a Gaelic word for that as well... Darach." The man said, I'm not sure what he is talking about but I don't like the sound of it.

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