Chapter 8

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Ramon's POV

It's morning and I've just arrived at school with my Brother, Stiles, and Isaac. We see The Twins, Ethan and Aiden, waiting for us, I think "You're back in school?" Scott asks them, "No, just to talk." Ethan said "Oh. That's a nice change of pace for you guys. Usually, just hurting, maiming, and killing." Stiles said sarcastically. They ignore Stiles' comment "You need a pack. We need a alpha." Aiden said, I roll my eyes at what they said. My Brother has a pack and he doesn't need these guys "Yeah. Absolutely not. That's hilarious though." Stiles said, "You came to us for help. We helped." Aiden said, I scoff "You beat his face into a bloody pulp. That's not helping. In my opinion, that's actually counter-productive." Stiles said, I nod in agreement.

"Why would I say yes?" Scott asks "We'd add strength. We'd make you powerful. There's no reason to say no." Aiden answers. Stiles and I both rolled our eyes "I can think of one. Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now." Isaac threatens, "You want to try?" Aiden threatens back, Scott holds Isaac back and Aiden's twin holds him off "Sorry, but they don't trust you. And neither do I." Scott said then we walk away from them, towards school. I barely made it past first period because there's an escaped bomber loose in the school, so school's on lockdown until 3'o clock. My Brother, Stiles, Isaac, Lydia, and the Twins try to find the bomber but 3'o clock rolls around and nothing happened and they couldn't find the bomber.

After school, I decide to go see Jon and see what he's up to. I get to Theo's house where Jon resides, I use my key to open the door and come in "Jon! You here!" I shout "Ramon, what brings you here?" Jon asks appearing out of nowhere, "I wanted to see, how you were doing and maybe, train a little." I tell him, Jon chuckles "I'm good. Got your sword?" He asks, I nod and Jon smiles "Then let's get started." He said.

We trained for hours in the backyard, it's nighttime when we decide to take a break "Man, I thought I was going to actually land a blow on you." I say. Jon chuckles "Yeah, you still have a ways to go." He tells me. Suddenly the power goes out and black figures in masks appear in the living room. I grab my sword and unsheathe it, the masked figures pulled swords from... there chest. I charge at them "Ramon, wait!" I hear Jon yell but it's too late and I start to fight the masked figures. I swing my sword, slashing at them and they dodge my slashes. The masked figures slash at me I dodged and parried their swords, Jon's fights off the rest of them. These guys are relentless, Jon and I are back-to-back breathing heavily as the masked figures circle us "Ramon, drop your sword." Jon said, "What?!" I say back confused "Drop your sword, trust me." He said.

I did as he said and dropped my sword, Jon dropped his sword too. The masked men continued to circle us, two of them stopped in front of us I glance at Jon and he's standing still, so I do the same. The figure grabs the side of my face and looks me in the eyes, its greenish yellow eyes. All I feel is darkness in its eyes then everything goes black.

I wake up feeling cold, I look around and see Jon laid out on the living room floor. I go to shake him awake "Jon, wake up. Come on." I say. I pull my hand back ready to punch him awake but he suddenly sits up and grabs my wrist then looks at me, he shivers. Apparently, Jon felt the same cold feeling I felt "Damn, I got to almost hit you." I say, Jon chuckles "Maybe someday." He said then gets up.

We sit in the living room in silence until I decided to speak "So... what were those things that attacked us? Ninjas?" I ask, Jon laughs, "No, those were Oni, Japanese Demons. From what I've seen of them, they find evil spirits and eliminate them." He explains then looks at me "Let me see behind your ear?" Jon asks, "Uh, okay." I say. Jon checks behind my ear "Self." He whispers then checks behind his ear and sighs in relief. Jon has a serious look in his face "Someone's been possessed by an evil spirit, here in Beacon Hills." He said. My eyes widen at his statement, an evil spirit "I... I, uh... how do you know if someone is possessed?" I ask, Jon shakes his head "It's difficult to tell but there are signs... usually." He replies, "Like what?" I ask "Strange behavior like loss of sleep, hallucinations and the like but sometimes the person possessed can be normal as you or me and you'd never know until its too late." He explains.

Why do those symptoms sound familiar? "And what if my Brother or one of his friends are possessed?" I ask, Jon is silent for a moment "We end them." He states coldly. I get up from where I'm sitting shocked at Jon's statement "What?! No! There has to be another way!" I exclaim. Jon sighs "Look, Ramon. I've dealt with possessions before and exhausted every option to keep the possessed person alive but, it always ends in death." Jon explains, I shake my head "No, there has to be- wait, what about Noah or Theo, or both of them. Maybe they know a spell or—" but Jon cuts me off "No, They're too busy with there own problems." He said. I deflate and sigh "Well, there has to be something we can do." I whisper, "Well, if you do find a way then I'm all for it but until then I don't see another way." Jon tells me.

After talking with Jon, I walk home and take my time getting there. I check my phone to find missed calls and texts from Scot and Mom. I decide to make a call, it's ringing 'Hi,you've reached Noah Gilbert. Sorry I missed you. Leave a message.' His answering machine said, I sigh "Noah... this is Ramon. You said to call or text if I ever need your help... you know what, never mind. Your probably too busy." I say then hang up.

Its night out by the time I reach my house, I see Oni surrounding it. I reach for my sword but I realized that I left it at Theo's house. I sigh and did the only thing I could, I run towards them dodging their sword slashes then jumping though an already broken window into my house. I look around and see Scott, The Twins, Derek, and a Girl I've never seen before, I also see Mom and Dad, who's bleeding out "Ramon?" Scott said shocked by my sudden appearance.

I see mountain ash lined up at the doorway I turn to my Brother "Let them in." I tell him, "Are you crazy?!" One of the Twin exclaims, I ignore them "Scott, let them in." I say determined, giving him a look that said trust me please. Scott nods and breaks the mountain ash line and the Oni come inside our house, two of the Oni stand in front of Scott and the Girl "Don't move." I tell them, they do the same thing, they did to Jon and I then disappeared. Scott and the Girl have the weird looking five behind there ear and that means they're not possessed.

After all that happened, we rushed Dad to the hospital and Scott went to go check on Stiles because he was in the hospital earlier. I sit in the waiting room thinking about all that has happened tonight, who could be possessed? It's not my Brother, thank god or that Girl but who is it? Is it a stranger or someone we know?

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