Chapter 4

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Edited – 4/14/18

Ramon's POV

It's been few days since the argument at that creepy hotel, I haven't talked to Scott or Stiles since... well Stiles, he's been asking questions about me being a Paladin, Noah being a witch, and about other supernatural creatures that bump in the night. I told him I would take him to Theo's house to satisfy his curiosity if he'd shut up.

I'm at the hospital with Scott to visit Mom and bring her dinner, Mom sees us and the dinner we brought "Oh, thank god. I'm starving. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you for bring me dinner." Mom said. Scott and I get worried "Is everything okay?" Scott asks "Yeah, except for half the accident victims in a ten-car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown, and the E.R. attending not answering any of his pages, yeah, I'm okay." Mom says "What does not answering pages mean?" Scott asks "It means that nobody can find him, so now we have to wait for the on call to get here." Mom answers. A patient comes over to mom and asks her for some painkillers but she couldn't because only a doctor could administer medication and my Mom's a nurse.

I catch Mom staring at me worried and I know why, I told her everything. About me a Paladin and where I was before I was found "Mom?" I say worried "I'm sorry, it's just... I still can't believe your alive and that your supernatural. Please be careful, I just got you back and I don't want to lose you again." Mom says as her eyes start to water "Okay, Mom." I say then she gives me a tight hug and I hug back "I love you." Mom says "I love you too, Mom." I say back, I say goodbye to Mom and get home.

I wake the next morning to yelling "Boys? Boys!" I hear Mom shout, I run to her room to find my Brother and Isaac in her room "What do you think you're doing?" Mom asks peeved "Uh, watching over you." Isaac says sheepishly "We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice." Scott said "Wait, what do you mean, third sacrifice?" I ask "We figured out who's ever sacrificing people is after healers, like your Mom." Isaac tells me "But both of you were asleep." Mom said.

Scott and Isaac look at each other like idiots "You were on watch last." Scott says "What are you talking about? You were on watch last." Isaac says back "No, you were on watch last." Scott says "I might've been on watch last." Isaac says in realization. "My heroes. Wait, didn't you say that were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D. recently attached to the end of my name, so I think I'm in the clear." Mom says trying reassure us "Yeah, but it could just come under any kind of healer, and you were definitely a healer last night." Scott says "Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's sacrifice today, so all of you get your butts to school." Mom tells us.

I get to school and there's already trouble, Scott's boss, Deaton is missing. I offer to help but Scott wanted me to stay in school, so I listen and stayed at school. Someone pulled the fire alarm I followed everyone else until I noticed Lydia and a girl I've never seen before gripping her wrist "Hey, don't you hear the fire alarm, we have to leave." I say to the pair "This is none of your business, so run along." The Girl tells me.

I glare at her "It is my business when your hurting Lydia, werewolf." I say coldly, she lets go of Lydia and she gets in my face "Who are you?" She asks "Ramon McCall, who are you?" I ask "Cora Hale." She answers "Well, Cora, could you kindly leave Lydia alone before I have to do something I'll regret." I say in a veiled threat "Oh, really." Cora said as here eyes glow yellow "Yeah, really." I say back, we glare at each other. Stiles appears and pushes us apart "Woah, hey, what's with all the glaring?" Stiles asks, I don't answer and neither does Cora. I scoff then I leave "Hey, where ya going?" Stiles asks "Home." I answer as I leave.

The next day Stiles pick me up so we can go to Theo's house, he told me they were able to save Scott's boss, which is good. He also told me that, he's still trying to figure out what Lydia is, I think I know what she is but I'm not sure. We get to Theo's house "Nice place, he must be loaded." Stiles said looking at the house, I use the key Theo gave me to get in "Hey, can I get a copy of your key?" Stiles asks "No, it's bad enough that I'm showing you this place." I say.

We get inside and Stiles looks at the shelves full of books, and goes right for them. He picks one book, opens it, and starts to read it. He gets a confused look on his face "What is this? A cookbook?" Stiles asks "Close, it's a grimoire, witch's cookbook. I think there's some bestiaries on this shelf somewhere." I say looking for one on the shelf.

I find a bestiary and give it to Stiles, he reads it for hours "Hey, can I borrow this?" Stiles asks "No, it's not mine to give." I answer "Then, can I please have a key?" He asks again, I narrow my eyes "If I say no, will you just take my key and make a copy anyway?" I ask "Maybe." Stiles answers nonchalantly. I sigh "Fine, I'll make you a key, but if Theo ever finds you here, don't expect me to save you." I say and Stiles smiles victoriously, sly fox.

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