Chapter 3

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Edited – 4/14/18

Ramon's POV

I'm in the bus with the cross-country team even though I'm not part of it, I'm sitting near Stiles and My Brother who got wounded by an Alpha and it's not healing. I found out that My Brother is a werewolf and I revealed my supernatural status to a pack of Alphas and the local pack, apparently, I can go toe to toe with an Alpha half my size. I was faster than the big alpha as I slashed him up with my sword then the local alpha tackled the big alpha and they both tumbled off the ledge and hit the ground hard in an abandoned mall.

I looked down and they both looked dead down below but I didn't check, instead I went to see if my Brother was okay "Scott..." I say worryingly "Ramon? What are you doing here?" Scott asks groaning in pain, I don't answer as I pull him up and put his arm over my shoulder and drag him out of the abandon mall.

Back at the bus, Stiles keeps giving me a look of suspicion and I don't blame him but they've been keeping secrets from me too and I'll happily tell mine when they tell me theirs. Scott groans in pain "Yo, Scotty. Hey, yo, Scotty? Still with me?" Stiles said to Scott "Yeah, sorry. Uh, what's the word?" Scott asks "Anachronism." Stiles answers "Something that exists out of its normal time." Scott said "Nice. Okay, next word... incongruous." Stiles said "Um, can you use it in a sentence?" Scott asks "Yes. Yes, I can. It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet after what just happened... incongruous." Stiles answers.

Scott sighs in pain "Out of place, ridiculous, absurd." Scott said "Perfect. Okay, next word. Um, Darach. Darach, it's a noun. We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for, like five hours, so why not? Next word... intransigent." Stiles said "Stubborn, obstinate." Scott says groaning in pain.

"Oh buddy, you okay? We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come." Stiles said "We had to. There's safety in numbers." Scott said "Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre... or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery..." Stiles said as he looks at Scott's wound that's not healing "Wow, that's... all right, Scott, I'm telling Coach that..." Stiles said as he starts to get up but Scott stops him "No. No, no, no. I'm all right." Scott says trying to reassure Stiles.

Stiles doesn't buy it "Well, you don't look all right would you just let me see it?" Stiles asks "I'm okay." Scott says trying to reassure him again "Just let me see it, okay?" Stiles asks "Okay." Scott said as he shows Stiles the wound, it's gruesome "Oh, dude..." Stiles said a little queasy. "I know it's bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal." Scott said "How come Boyd and Isaac are fine then?" Stiles asks "I can't believe he's dead. I can't believe Derek's dead." Scott said, ignoring Stiles' question.

Stiles stopped the bus by making someone throw up because Coach refused to stop the bus, we drag Scott into a bathroom along with Lydia and Allison "Why didn't you tell us?" Allison asks as she looks at Scott's wound "Sorry." Scott said sheepishly "Okay. Just give us a second, okay?" Allison said pulling Stiles to the side "This shouldn't be happening. I've seen him heal from worse than this." Allison said then she notices me "Ramon? Um... what are you doing here?" Allison asks.

I was about to answer but Stiles speaks for me "He's the one who got Scott out of there." Stiles said eying me suspiciously, Allison looks at me surprised "So, then you know..." She asks "Yes, I know that my brother is a werewolf and for some reason he isn't healing. So, could we focus on that, please." I say. "Okay, what do we then? Do we just call an ambulance?" Stiles suggest "What if it's too late? What if they can't help?" Allison asks worried "We gotta do something." Stiles said "You know, it could be psychological." Lydia said "What do you mean, like, psychosomatic?" Stiles asks "Somatoformic." Lydia said, what? "Som..." Stiles tries to say "A physical illness from a psychogenic cause. Yes, it's all in his head." Lydia explains.

"All in his head? Because of Derek. He's not letting himself heal because Derek died." Stiles said "Stitch him up." Lydia said and Stiles gave her a look "I'm serious. Maybe all he needs to do is just believe it's healing." Lydia said, Allison stitched up my brother and it seems he's starting to healing up.

We get back on the bus, we stop at a motel called Motel Glen Capri because the cross-country meet got delayed and now I'm in a room with Scott and Stiles, there staring at me, Stiles with suspicion and my Brother with worry, I let out a breath "Okay, what do you want to know?" I ask "How did you know where Scott would be?" Stiles asks "I followed him." I answer "I saw you fighting Ennis, you were keeping up with him as if it was nothing and you had a sword." Scott said, I chuckle, fighting that Alpha was nothing compared to training with Jon.

Stiles give me a look "What are you laughing about?" Stiles asks "Sorry... look are you going to ask me or what?" I ask. They both look at each other then back at me "What are you?" Stiles asks "I'm a Paladin." I answer, they give me a look "What does that mean?" Stiles asks I sigh "Well... from what I was told. I am a supernatural hunter. Stronger than most supernatural creatures, enhanced senses and reflexes. I'm supposed to protect the innocent from the supernatural but all I want to do is protect you and Mom, maybe Stiles if he doesn't stop looking at me like that." I say.

"Okay... one more question. Do you really not remember who found you?" Stiles asks I sigh "I do remember, I couldn't exactly tell your Dad that a Witch and a Vampire recused me. And even if I left out the supernatural stuff, I couldn't reveal their names because your Dad would probably try to look for them and that would dangerous for everyone involved." I explain.

They both look shocked at what I said "Wait... Witches... Vampires. They actually exist?" Stiles asks, I nod "Though I only met one of each." I say. "So, how did you become a Paladin? Were you bitten by a creature or cursed?" Stiles asks. I glare at Stiles annoyed at his question "No. the witch who found me, gave me powers that would protect me from the supernatural." I explain "So, how exactly did she..." Stiles said but I cut him off "He." I corrected "He?" Stiles asks giving me a look "What? Witches can be guys too." I say "Okay... how did he make you a Paladin?" Stiles asks "He performed a spell during a celestial event." I explain.

"What, like a full moon?" Stiles asks, I nod "And the sword? Do you still have it?" My Brother asks, I pull out my sheathed sword from under my jacket and hand it to Scott. He examines my weapon and tries to pull the sword out of the sheath but it wouldn't budge, then he gave Stiles the sword, he pulls it out and the sword slips out, Stiles yelps as he drops the sword.

Huh, so supernatural creatures can't pull the sword out but humans can, weird "Jeez... what is with the sword?" Stiles questions "It's a weapon that can be used against supernatural creatures, I think it might be able to kill them." I say, Scott has a worried look on his face "But, we don't kill, we're trying to save lives." Scott said "Okay... I won't kill, unless I have to." I say.

Scott glares at me "How can you say that?!" Scott shouts as he stands up, I chuckle "What?! I'm supposed to hold back my punches while someone is trying to kill me?" I say sternly, Scott gives me an incredulous look "What happened to my little brother?" Scott asks. I stand up, grab my sheath and sword, I put the sword back in my sheath, I look at both of them "I grew up." I say and leave their room.

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