Chapter 6

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Pic of Jonathan above, if you forgot what he looks like^

Edited – 4/16/18

Ramon's POV

I've made a ton of calls and texts to Jon and he hasn't responded yet, I hear the front door open I sneak downstairs and peak my head out a little bit, it's my Dad. What the hell is doing here, I go back to my room grab my sword and jump out of my window and land on my feet. I start running, I sprint all the way to Theo's House.

I get a text from Stiles asking where I'm at, I text him back telling him where I'm at. Stiles picks me up "Why were you at Theo's House?" Stiles asks "Because my Dad was at the house, so I sprinted to Theo's House." I answer "Oh, wow." Stiles says "Has any—" Stiles says "I don't want to talk about it." I say "But—" Stiles says "What did I say?" I say getting irritated "Right, okay. Well, Deaton says there might be a way to find our parents but its dangerous." Stiles says "Really?!" I ask stunned, Stiles nods.

He tells me the plan on the way to the animal clinic, my Brother, Allison, and Stiles will be surrogate sacrifices in order to find our parents. Now I'm at the clinic with everyone as Deaton prepares three ice baths "All right. What did you bring?" Deaton asks, they all brought items of meaning, Stiles brought his Dad's badge, Allison brought a silver bullet, Scott brought a watch that Mom used to wear to work when she first got hired at the hospital, it was a gift from Dad.

They all go into their ice bathes, Isaac is to hold down Allison, Lydia is to hold down Stiles, and I'm to hold down my Brother. Stiles looks at Scott "By the way, if I don't make it back and you do, you should probably know something. Your Dad's in town." He says, Scott look up at me with a stunned expression and I give him a blank look. Then we dunk the trio under the ice bath, my Brother's eyes open and glow yellow, I feel a darkness starting to seep into my Brother. It feels weird.

Why the hell is this taking so long, it's been half a day maybe longer suddenly they all gasp awake and climb out of the tubs "I saw it. I know where it is!" Scott says in realization "We passed it. There's—There's a stump, this huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down. But it's still big, though, very big." Stiles says "It was the night were looking for the body." Scott says "Yeah, the same night you were bit by Peter." Stiles says "I was there too, in the car with my Mother. We almost hit someone." Allison says "It was me. You almost hit me." Scott says.

All three of them realize how quiet we all are "What?" Allison asks "You guys were out a long time." Isaac answers "How long is a long time?" Stiles asks "16 hours." Deaton answers "We've been in the water for 16 hours?" Scott asks stunned "And the full moon rises in less than four." Deaton says.

Stiles tried to convince Scott not to go back to Deucalion "No, dude, you are not going back with them." Stiles say "I made a deal with Deucalion." Scott says, I scoff "Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?" Stiles questions "Why does it matter, anyway?" Isaac asks "Because I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott says. I could probably take her out but I'm more worried about finding Mom.

"He trusts you more than anyone. Tell him he's wrong." Allison says to Deaton "I'm not so sure he is. Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies." Deaton says "So we're gonna trust him, the guy that calls himself death, destroyer of worlds? We're gonna trust that guy?" Isaac says "I wouldn't trust him, no, but you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait." Deaton says.

We all hear the front door of the clinic open, Deaton goes to see who it is. I peek out to see who it is, it's one of the alpha twins "I'm looking for Lydia." He says, Lydia makes her presence known "What do you want?" She asks the twin "I need your help." He answers then Stiles appears "With what?" He asks the twin "Stopping my Brother and Kali... from killing Derek." The Twin says.

While Lydia goes and helps the alpha twins, Allison, Scott, Isaac, and I go to her apartment. Scott is on the phone with Stiles "Just grab anything? Stiles, I'm not smelling your Dad's boxers. Socks? Okay, I'll smell the socks." Scott says "What about me?" Isaac asks "See what you can find in my Dad's Closet. Anything with the strongest scent." Allison says.

I follow Allison to her Dad's office but I backtrack and hide behind one of the office doors because I saw a deputy and I think my Dad "Quite an arsenal your Father's got here, young lady." I hear Dad say, Scott walks past me I try to stop him but I'm too late "Scott." Dad says. "What are you doing here?" Scott asks "Following one of the only leads I have. Now, since I don't know where you've been, why don't you have a seat, and we can talk? You too, Isaac and whoever is hiding by the door." Dad says.

I sigh, might as well rip the band-aid off I moved from my hiding spot and make my presence known. I keep my head down then I look up directly at Dad, he looks at me for a moment then he recognizes me "Ramon?" He says stunned. Dad moves around the office desk past the deputy to get a closer look at me, I turn my head away from him.

I love my Dad, I really do but it doesn't mean I have to like him "Ramon, look at me, please." Dad says, I look at him, he's holding back tears. I hold back tears as well then, I'm engulfed in a tight hug, I hesitantly hug back "Why didn't nobody tell me you were found?" Dad whispers "Because we thought you'd be busy at work to care." Scott says heatedly, harsh but true.

Dad lets go of me and looks at Scott "That's not fair, Scott." Dad says, they start to argue when I see from my peripheral, Allison grabs one of weapons from the case on the desk. I think it's a grenade of some sort, she pulls the pin and drops it "Go!" She shouts as smoke starts to fill the office, we all make a run for it "Wait! Scott, Ramon, Wait!" Dad shouts.

We get to the Beacon Hills Preserve "Are you guys okay?" Allison asks Scott and I. I don't answer "I didn't think I could say anything to him, but what you did was awesome." Scott says to Allison "I still haven't gotten anything from Stiles—you?" Isaac asks, Scott shakes his head no "I don't get it." Scott says "All right. Well, we can't wait for him. Come on." Isaac says.

Scott goes back to Deucalion to confront Jennifer, while I went with Allison and Isaac to find our parents "Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Isaac asks "I know we're near it. You think you can pick up a scent?" Allison asks "I'm trying, but I c—I hear something. It's an—it's an emitter. It's one of your Dad's." Isaac says "Are you sure?" Allison asks "Has to be. Come on." Isaac says, we follow after him.

The wind is starting to pick up when we find the Nemeton and a root cellar that seems oddly familiar. We enter the cellar "Oh, my god. Thank god!" Allison says and rushes to her Dad "You found us." He says "Where's Stiles? Where's my son?" The Sheriff asks "And Scott? Ramon, oh thank god!" Mom says as I rush over to her and pull those ropes off of her and give her hug.

The cellar starts to collapse, we all go for the stairs but they get blocked by debris. Then the beams of the cellar start to break and the ceiling beam start to collapse, Isaac catches and holds up the ceiling beam. I go to help Isaac with the beam, let's see how far this Paladin strength can go. Isaac and I are struggling to keep the beam up when a familiar face appears beside us and helps us with the beam, it's Jon then Stiles slides in with a metal bat to hold up the beam "I always said aluminum was better than wood." The Sheriff says to Stiles then they hug.

After we all got out of the cellar, I go to punch Jon but he catches my fist "You jerk, I called and texted." I say irritated "Sorry, kid, I was busy on a job but I showed up, didn't I?" Jon says amused "Um, Ramon. Who's this?" Mom asks concerned "Oh right, this is Jon, he's a Paladin, like me." I answer "Oh... hey, are you the one who gave my son a sword?" Mom asks in 'lioness protecting her cub' kind of tone "Uh... no ma'am. That was someone else, but I'm sure Ramon I'll tell you." Jon says a little scared then he leaves.

Looks like Dad's here to stay, I told him that I love him but he's gonna have to give me some space. Jon is shacked up in Theo's House, apparently, he's here to stay as well which is good, maybe Stiles can go bother him about different supernatural creatures. Scott's an alpha now, that's pretty cool but I can't help but feel that there's some kind of darkness surrounding him. I feel it around Stiles and Allison too, I just hope nothing else happens in Beacon Hills because I need a break.

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