Chapter 11

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Ramon's POV

I'm in Scott's room, Mom's giving Stiles a medical exam, she checks his pupils and his pulse "Well... medically, you seem okay. You're definitely a real person." Mom tells him. "Okay, so I'm real, but am I really me?" Stiles asks. Scott enters the room "Is she here?" Stiles asks "Yeah." Scott answers, "Okay, let's do this." Stiles said. Scott and I help Stiles downstairs into the living room, Noshiko is standing in the middle "Do you recognize me?" She asks, Stiles nods. Kira bursts in from the front door "Stop!" She shouts panicked, "It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come." Stiles explains.

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords. Mom, don't do this." Kira pleads, "It's already done." Noshiko tells her. Two Oni appear in the living room, one of them grabs Stiles by the back of his as the other one stares directly into Stiles' eyes then lets him go. The Oni vanish as he falls to the ground I check behind his ear "Self." I say out loud and let out a sigh of relief.

I go to Theo's house to update Jon on what happened "So, the fox separated from Stiles?" He asks, I nod. Jon is lost in thought "Hmm, I didn't know werewolf claws could do that." He said out loud. "So, you said Other Stiles took off with Lydia?" Jon asks me, I nod again "Yeah." I answer. Jon grabs his sword and keys "Let's go for a drive." He tells me, "And bring your sword." He adds walking out the door, I grab my sword and follow after him. Jon drives around for awhile until we reach an abandoned camp site "Why are we here?" I ask Jon "Other Stiles is here." He answers, I give him a look, "How do you know this?" I ask confused. Jon sighs "Ramon, there's things I've yet to teach you as Paladin and when this is over, I'll teach them to you." Jon answers ambiguously, "Okay..." I say even more confused.

Jon and I get out of the car and see Scott, Stiles, and Isaac approaching the abandoned camp site. They see us "Ramon? What are you doing?" Scott asks, "We are here to save your friend." Jon answers for me. Jon looks at Stiles "You don't look so good." He states, Isaac scoffs "Stating the obvious." He sasses, I roll my eyes. Kira and Allison arrived a few minutes later as we enter the camp, Noshiko is standing in the middle flanked by two of her Oni "Kira, turn around and go home. Take your friends with you." She tells her, "I can't." Kira said. Scott and Stiles take off down a concrete corridor.

Allison draws her bow aiming it at one of the Oni "Call them off." She demands. Noshiko smirks "You think you can take him alive?" She taunts, "What if we can?" Kira shoots back. "I tried it 70 years ago. Your friend is gone." Noshiko states, "Are you sure?" Kira asks back "I see I'm longer the fox now, Kira. You are but the Nogitsune is still my demon to bury." Noshiko states. Suddenly Noshiko gets a startled look on her face and opens her hand, a puff of smoke appears and disappears from her hand. Suddenly, the rest of the Oni appear and start to attack us, Jon and I unsheathe our swords and start to hold off the Oni. Kira's fighting them off with her katana, Isaac is fighting them off with his claws, and Allison is shooting arrow after arrow at the Oni.

We are slowly starting to lose the fight against the Oni, two of them are slicing up Isaac. Allison shoots an arrow at one of the Oni striking it in the chest and a yellow-green light, shines from it then it disappears in a mass of black smoke. Woah, how did she do that? Allison smiles at her accomplishment but I see an Oni sneaking behind her. I dash towards her in order to save her but I'm too late the Oni runs its sword through her then disappears in a puff of black smoke "Noo!!" I shout in anguish.

My Brother catches her as she falls "Allison! Allison." He exclaims anguished, "Did you find her? Is she okay? Is Lydia safe?" Allison asks breathily. Scott nods with tears falling down his face "She's okay. Yeah." He tells her. Scott grabs her hand and looks surprised "I can't take your pain away." He states, "It's because it doesn't hurt." She whispers. No... Scott shakes his head in denial "No." He says, "Its okay." She whispers and puts hand on his cheek "Allison." Scott whispers then starts to sob. Tears starts to fall down my face seeing my Brother in so much pain "Its okay. Its okay. Its perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I've ever loved. The person I'll always love. I love you. Scott. Scott McCall." Allison whispers. "Don't, please, don't. Allison don't, please." My Brother pleads, "You have to tell my Dad. You have to tell my Dad. Tell him." She whispers with her last dying breath. "No!" Scott shouts sobbing onto her body.

Suddenly I'm pulled away by the arm by Jon "Come on, we gotta get out here." He said pulling me into his car and drives away. As Jon drives, he slams his hand angrily on the steering wheel breathing heavily "This wasn't supposed to happen." He said then sighs "I'm sorry, Ramon." He tells me. I just stare numbly out the window with tears still falling down my face. I wake up, it's still night out and I don't know where Jon went. I get out of bed and drag myself downstairs... Allison... I barely knew her but she was nice to me when I come back... she didn't make me feel like a freak... she made me feel welcome. Jon comes back from whatever he was doing "Ramon, come on. Grab your sword." He tells me urgently "Where to?" I ask numbly, "To finish this." Jon answers, I look up at him with a new resolve and nod. I grab my sword and follow after him.

We're are at the school our swords drawn we hear fighting near the school tunnel. It's Derek and the Twins, they're fighting the Oni "Go and finish this. I'll help them." Jon tells me, I nod and dash into the school. I'm inside the school walking cautiously through the hallways, I hear footsteps coming towards me its Lydia and Stiles scrambling away from the Nogitsune "Divine move, divine move, you think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni but me? I'm a thousand years old! You can't kill me!" The Nogitsune shouts, "But we change you." Lydia states. The Nogitsune tilts his head "Change the host." It says in realization, "You can't be a fox and a wolf." Stiles states.

Scott leaps from behind The Nogitsune and bites it on the arm. Kira and I charge at it stabbing it simultaneously in the chest, it screams in pain "That's for Allison." I whisper to it. The lights flicker and a fly comes out of its mouth and flies down the hallway. Isaac appears with a cylinder box made of wood, holding it out and trapping the fly inside it. The Nogitsune's host body starts to twitch and jerk then it stills and begins to dry out and crack like clay. It collapses into a pile of dust and dissipates into nothing. It's dead... it's over. Everything worked out by not without its casualties... one of the twins got killed while fighting the Oni. Stiles is back to his normal self, which is good.

A week has gone by since everything happened, my Brother seems to be holding himself together but I can tell he's still mourning Allison. I feel better since I was able to avenge her but sometimes, I feel some regret... not being able to save her but I can't dwell on that now, I have to try and move on... move forward. I'm in the backyard sparring with Jon, I threw a punch he catches my arm and flips me on my back. I try to kick him off his feet but he dodges, I kip up and give him a combination of punches. Jon dodges and parries every. Single. Punch. At this point I'm getting frustrated. I try to move faster but he keeps up "Argh!" I shout as I throw a huge punch that almost makes contact with his face. Jon dodges it and punches me in the stomach then flips me on my back... again.

Jon looks down at me with a smile "Almost had me there. You're improving." He tells me. I stare at him breathing heavily then I sigh and sit up, Jon offers his hand I take it, he helps me onto my feet "Does it get easier?" I ask him, "How does what get easier?" Jon ask back. "Not saving everyone all the time?" I ask, Jon sighs "It doesn't. But you can't think about that. Just think about the people you save in the long run when you hunt." He tells me, I nod. "Now, that we had the warm-up, it's time for the real lesson." Jon states, "Lesson?" I ask confused. Jon smiles "I'm gonna teach you how to be a real Paladin." He replies, I nod "All right." I say, a little nervous but also excited.

AN – This is the last chapter. There will be a sequel to this story coming soon, it will introduce a new character and an old character.

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