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Alex's POV

"Alex honey. Where's Justin?" Mom asked me.

"Mom I don't know. He went to see Lisa in hospital and he hasn't been back yet." I replied.

"Urgh. And where's your father?" She asked.

"I should be asking YOU that." I said. As if on cue, Jason walked into the house. He didn't say anything. He looked frustrated. He grabbed me by the shirt and started walking upstairs. I saw mom shake her head.

"Dude what the heck!?" I said.

Jason threw me into our room and shut the door loudly. He walked left to right in front of me. I was sitting on the bed.

"Bruh what's wrong." I asked.

"DUDE I'M SO STUPID!" Jason yelled.

"What did you do now?" I asked him. Last time he said that, he had exploded moms car. And the other time he pushed someone off a plane. And the last time, he put a snake on the teachers desk and the last time...Okay I'm sure you get the idea.

"I kissed her." He said.

"Kissed who?" I asked.

"Who else!?" He asked.

"You kissed Lisa!?" I asked in shock.

"It was an accident okay!? She told me she loved me and...well...I don't know!! I..!" Jason said.

"You're messed up. You know that?" I said.

"That's not helping!" He yelled as he grabbed both my shoulders and shook me a lot.

"Well what do you want me to do? Why are you so frustrated?" I asked.

"Because...I DON'T LOVE HER. I'm not in love with her. But...her sister...and I KISSED HER...and....but...I'm being selfish here." He said.

"Okay dude chill.Let's uncomplicate things. You're in love with Alisa. And you kissed Lisa. But Alisa has been kidnapped. So you feel bad?" I asked.

"She was my first kiss!" He yelled.

"'re worried because?" I asked again.

"It means, she's probably the one. But i love her sister which complicates things even more." He said.

"Okay....You shouldn't have kissed her." I said.

"I know. But...I don't regret it. It I could turn back time I would do it again, her lips were so soft, and warm and-"

"OKAY WE GET IT! don't give me details." I interrupted. "You've got to make sure that Alisa never finds out. That's all."

"Oh. You fixed it. You fixed me. You fixed it all." Jason said as if I've just given him $1 000 000.

"Oh. Lisa said we should meet up with her today. Gather the gang could ya?"Jason said.

"Dude.." I began.

Alisa's POV

I was lying on someone's bed just starring at the ceiling. I've officially given up. I won't even try to escape.

Jason and Lisa should've found me by now. It's been 3 days! Or at least the police because I cannot take this anymore.

My stomach grumbled dangerously.

"When are you going to feed me. Because I'm going to die of hunger." I said.m

"That's okay. We'll never feed you anyways." Simon said.

Favourite Girl (A Jason McCann fan fic) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now