This is what I'm talking about

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Lisa's POV

"Yeah I know I know, let's just get this over and done with." Jason said as they handcuffed him.

I was about to cry. I didn't know what to do. Usually in the movies that Alisa watches the guy usually gets arrested and the girl gets over dramatic and starts crying, I never understood why. But now I do.

I'll probably never see Jason ever again. Our friendship is gone forever.

"Okay nothing to see here!" Said our principal. "Actually you know's home time! Go home and go do your homework get out of here!" She yelled.

People were happy af as they started running to their lockers and backpacks to grab their things.
I took one last look at Jason's eyes. He looked so sad. He mouthed out "I'm sorry." And he looked like he was about to cry.
I looked away from those sad eyes of his. And I sat on the bench.
"Its gonna be alright." Chaz said. Him and I haven't exaclty been friends at this school, but we knew it each other and since today we've been close friends. Same with Ryan.

"No it's not." I said fighting back the tears.

I can't cry now. Not yet. People can't see me breakdown. They'll think I'm weak, and easy target. Then they'll come after me.

"It is." Ryan said confidently.

"How do you know then?" I asked.

" and Ryan..and You and your sister if you're up for it, are going to bust him out." Chaz said.

"What!? No no no. Please do not involve me and my sister in this! Why would you wanna do that!?" Alisa asked.

"Well...we've got something to prove to Jason anyways and by doing this he will definitely trust us and we'll need some extra hands" Ryan said.

"Extra hands to get handcuffed!? Do you know how terrible jail is!? I promised myself I wouldn't EVER get stuck there!" Alisa said.

"I'll do it." I said.

"What!?" Alisa asked is disbelief.

"Well..I've always wanted something interesting like in those action movies to happen and here's life, giving me that opportunity. And...I think...well...I don't know....I think I'm in love with Jason." I said.

"Ooohhhhhhhhh" Ryan and Chaz said in unison.

"I know hon. I like him too, but love makes us do stupid things. I don't want you to fall into that." Alisa said as she put her hands on my shoulders.

"Alisa...I have to do this. Or I'll never see Jason again. I can't live like that I just...I just can't." I said as tears slid out of my eyes.

What the heck am i doing!!!!???? NOOOOO!!!??IM CRYING! ITS TOO LATE TO STOP NOW!!!"
I'm sure my tears are like "Freedom!!"

"Okay. Just this once. I have to come with though to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Alisa said.

I pulled her into a very very big hug. Chaz cleared his throat.

"Oh sorry." I said. "I'm not usually the...hugging type but." My face went straight and my tears stopped.

Haha. In your face tears. I only cried for about 18 seconds! Haha!

"Lets go!" Ryan said.

"Wait wait wait." I said. "Go and then what do we do when we arrive?"

"Um...we bust him out?" Ryan said.

"What about the guard's? They'll have weapons? The cameras? We don't want to be showing our facing? And how EXACTLY are we gonna bust Jason out. Are we just gonna walk in there with my house keys and get him out? Have you even thought about how we're even gonna get there? And who does what?" I asked.

Favourite Girl (A Jason McCann fan fic) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now