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This is actually my first ever chapter but it got deleted and I had to rewrite like ten times. I feel like Tom being asked about how he got the role of Spider-Man lol


"One caramel frappucino please." I said to the lady, sliding my money onto the counter and stepped to the corner to wait for my coffee. I leaned up to the wall as I turned to check out the decoration of the small cafe. They had the perfect soft lighting and adorable flower pots everywhere. I held my camera up, searching for the perfect angle. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see the same lady, holding out my cup of steamy coffee. I mumbles a small thank you, receiving a wide smile from her. I was about to walk away when I noticed a writing on the cup.

Somehow it said Tom.

"Big fan, Spider-Man." She kept that same smile on her face as I tried to find a subtle explanation.

"I'm flattered, but I'm not exactly Tom." I said. "I'm actually-"

"Harry Robert Holland." I heard someone said from behind. "He's Tom's brother, Becca."

I turned around to see a girl with her hair threw up in a messy bun, wearing a grey hoodie and some sweat pants. The one thing I could not take my eyes off of were her eyes. Damn those mesmerizing, sparkling eyes. I didn't realize I was staring until she held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n). (Y/n) (Y/l/n)." A smile formed on her face, making me fluster for a split second.

"Uh I'm Harry." I took her hand in mine in a quick handshake. I turned to the barista, who I assumed to be Becca, her smile quickly fainted away as she walked away and muttered something I could not quite comprehend. (Y/n) took her latte and paid for it. She turned around, gesturing to a table near the window. We both sat down as I looked around at some Polaroid photos hanging on the wall. (Y/n) may had noticed me checking them out when she spoke up.

"Pretty nice place right?" She took a sip on her latte, raising her eyebrow. I shifted to sit properly on the comfortable seat, setting my camera to the side. I took my coffee in my hands, giving her a slight nod, maybe along with an idiotic smile on my face.

"Anyway, I'm sorry about that coffee. You probably get that a lot." She said, not looking up from her drink.

"Oh don't be, it's not your fault. And yeah, it's kinda one of my daily basis now." I said as she chuckled at my comment. Her smile was easily one of the best smiles. No, correction, her smile was the best smile I've ever seen. She leaned her back against the chair, sipping her latte.

"So, you busy doing photoshoots for your brother right now?"

"Not really. Tom has to stay in, I was just going around for a walk and snapping some photos."

"Is it just me or it seems so weird that I know way too much about you from our first meet?" She asked, a tint of sarcasm could be identified in her voice.

"Oh." I raised an eyebrow challengingly. "How much do you know about me?"

"More than you know me, that's for sure." She sassed back. "Wanna change that?"

"Wow, that's smooth. Real smooth right there (Y/l/n)." I laughed, taking a sip on my coffee.

"Is it that bad?" (Y/n) shyly smiled. "I tried my best though."

"Nah, it's fine." I smiled back, looking into her eyes. For a second there we somehow had an instant connection as I felt a sudden struck of electricity went through my body.

Sensing the little tension between us, (Y/n) broke the eye contact, turning to the window, watching some kids playing freely on the streets. There was a silence between us, but not uncomfortable or anything, it was just us enjoying the peacefulness in the atmosphere and each other's company. The cafe started to get a little more crowded and the air was filled with the beautiful scent of coffee. I got caught up with the beauty of the girl sitting in front of me and I didn't even realize I was holding back my breath. As soon as she turned around, I quickly looked away, trying to hide my embarrassed red face. She smiled, standing up on her feet.

"Hey I know a place to take great photos. Interested?"

"Yeah, sure." I quickly stood up and turned up to her side.

"Your camera, dumbass." She gestured to my camera which I completely forgot about. I got a little flustered, quickly snatched it and awkwardly smiled at (Y/n).

"Okay. Let's go, goofball." She laughed, skipping out to the pavement.

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